May 17, 2015

Axiom Verge

Date played: May 16th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

The story took a turn for the incomprehensible... I explored two new areas and found some new items and upgrades along the way. However, as I was making my way through, Trace started complaining that it was very hot. His vision started distorting and he started having hallucinations, including some scary, caped, creatures. When I reached the boss room, things got even crazier.

Somehow, I ended up controlling the boss, trying to kill Trace. I was treated to a cut scene that explained a lot of the story. Trace is Athetos, the game's villain. Somehow, the eggs that regenerate me when I die are part of the puzzle. The hallucinations were due to a pathogen infecting Trace, but I'm not sure I understand much of it. I even saw the bodies of the large robotic females in a room. After this convoluted mess of a story, I was back into the action and made some solid progress.

I got a new weapon that I fell in love with right away. The electricity gun shoots out a long beam of electricity that automatically targets enemies in range. It's strong, it's easy to use and has been a blessing against smaller enemies that are hard to hit with more conventional weapons, or too strong to efficiently kill with wider range weapons. Another huge upgrade is the trench coat. This thing lets me teleport a short distance in any direction, even through walls, ceilings and floors. R.D. got a huge upgrade too, I can now teleport Trace to the drone's location, opening up many new possibilities. Finally, I picked up some glitch bombs! These amazing things cover the screen in "glitch" and can even take out the toughest of barriers.
Ukhu is a bitch, but is no match for the Inertial Pulse gun
Another boss encounter awaited me after all this exploration, a fight against a giant hornet of sorts. This flying monster attacked me with venomous gobs of spit and spawned flying baby monsters. It's weak spot was it's open mouth when it shot out spit. I died twice before getting my strategy right and killed him in a less than a minute on my third attempt. I used the gun that shoots through enemies to damage the boss because it seemed to hit him more than once on every shot. I also used the electricity gun to quickly take out the babies.