May 18, 2015

Final Fantasy VI

Date played: May 18th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Vita is a great machine to play old games like Final Fantasy VI. Not only does it have a great screen and some good controls, but the sleep feature on the Vita is what makes it so great. FFVI is a slow game in general, but I was able to make some good progress even if I only had a minute or two to play every once in a while during the day.

Celes is one of my favorite characters in the game
Stranded, alone on the island, Celes found a letter from her grandfather, Cid, telling her about a secret room in the basement of the old house. She found a raft there and made her way to the nearest continent, then found a little town. The world is in ruins, life is rare and towns are a mere shadow of what they were before Kefka brought the world to it's knees. I got some info in town and made my way to another city up north, passing by a giant tower built by Kefka.

I'm not sure how it happened, but one of the houses in the town started burning with a child stuck inside it. As Celes rushed over to help, she found Sabin there, holding the house together with his bare hands! Celes, stunned, enters the house and saves the child. I had to use some gear that prevents the "petrify" status here as some of the monsters would just turn me to stone and end the game. Sabin joined Celes' party. He has no information on any of the others, but we decide to pair up and head East.