October 26, 2014

Skylanders Swap Force

Date played: October 26th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played Skylanders this morning with my daughter. The level we played through had us activate a giant stone monkey for unclear reasons... It was a cool level that introduced many new enemy types, including some that have temporary shields and little dashing bombs.

These cute creatures were turned into evil monsters by Glumshanks
We focused on leveling up Ninja Stealth Elf and Wash Buckler since my favorite, Jade Fire Kraken, is strong enough for now. Ninja Stealth Elf now has a scarecrow ability that lures enemy attacks while she wails on them from behind. Wash Buckler now has the ability to shoot 2 immobilizing bubbles at once. Also, when shooting a single bubble, a vicious fish is shot with it and nibbles on the target as it's paralyzed.

I fought Evil Glumshanks as he rode his amazing looking tank. It was a cool boss battle that required that I lure him towards big yellow spikes that would temporarily make him vulnerable.