October 26, 2014


Zombie paper works!
Date played: October 26th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

While watching some hockey, I booted up Earthbound for intermissions and commercial breaks. My new 3 person team fought some ghosts and zombies around the city of Threed. Paula is still pretty weak physically, but her magic is really powerful. I explored the town, bought some gear and discovered a weird tent that attacked me.

The apple kid sent me a special invention called zombie paper. This is meant to be used as fly paper is used... I put it on the floor in a large circus tent and attracted all nearby zombies overnight. This opened up a path near the cemetery. I went through some caves, fought more zombies and a little barf blob of some kind. I reached the infamous Mr. Saturn village, but haven't explored any of it yet.