October 4, 2014

Lego: The Hobbit

Date played: October 4th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I went to my local game shop to buy Shadow or Mordor, the new action game that is getting rave reviews. Unfortunately, they were out of stock... so I walked out with Lego: The Hobbit. I played it with my girlfriend for a little while and we made it through 2 story levels in cooperative play.

The first thing that struck me about this game is how pretty is looks! It's not something I'm used to saying about Lego games, but damn, this looks great. The first mission was set in the prologue where the dwarves are shown to become too greedy for their own good. We moved through the area as Thorin and another of the dwarves. There was no combat in this mission, we simply destroyed a ton of crap and got coins. There were a few minor puzzles, but it was mostly an intro to the game. We saw Smaug and escaped his attacks, but never really got to see him proper.
The Shire is beautiful

The second level was set at Bag End, Bilbo's house in the Shire. It's the famous scene where the dwarves barge into his house. I had to find food for them and even build a table to eat. There are some interesting new mechanics in the game. I think the last time I really played one of these was the first Lego Batman, so it's been a while.

There is now crafting for puzzle solutions. It's really simplistic, but it's nice. There were rhythm game sections which were both hilarious and fun in co-op. There are also attacks that combine two characters. Outside of the main missions, there is a HUGE hub area with tons of side quests to play. Look, I got to ride goats as Gandalf, that's gotta be worth something right?