October 12, 2014

Costume Quest

Date played: October 12th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

I completed all the missions in the first area, the kid's neighborhood.  To do it, I had to find components for a Statue of Liberty costume, bob for some apples, explore mysterious caves and use the knight's shield to protect myself from a nut throwing squirrel.

The Statue of Liberty costume is a support unit in battle with healing. I equipped it with a cool item that stuns enemies for one turn, so I typically stun the most dangerous enemy creature while I damage the others with the robot costume.
The robot and Statue of Liberty take on their first boss

Eventually, I got into the goblin base and fought many of them until I was confronted with the foreman, my first boss. He summoned cohorts by speaking into his megaphone. I damaged the megaphone with the robot while stunning the cohorts and eventually took him down without much effort. I discovered that the sister was being transferred to the mall, where a large stock of candy was being stored. I hopped on the back of the bus and started exploring the dark mall, though I didn't see much of it yet.