July 9, 2016


Date played: July 8th
Platform: PS4

My two brothers came over with their PS4's last night, so we connected 3 TV's and played Overwatch all night! It was amazing playing in the same room with them! Obviously, it was a lot easier to communicate the important info for the matches, but the best part is just joking around and talking about the game.

Throughout the evening, we played with a ton of different hero combinations. The main heroes we used were Reinhardt, Mercy, Lucio, D.Va, Pharah, Soldier 76, Reaper, Junkrat, Hanzo, Symmetra, Tracer and Winston. One of the stupidest, but fun rounds was when we decided to use three Winstons at the same time! It didn't actually work that well, but jumping in as a bunch of gorillas in the middle of the point on attack is so satisfying.
3 TV's + 3 PS4's + 3 copies of Overwatch + 3 brothers = amazing night!
We won just about as much as we lost I think, but the important part is that we had fun. We could pull off crazy combos a lot easier than usual, so that was nice too. Our strongest team was probably Reinhardt, Mercy, Soldier, as they work so well together.

We even tried the weekly brawl, which is a mode where all players must pick a support hero. I used Symmetra, then we had a Zenyatta and a Mercy. It was kind of a stupid mode, but we enjoyed ourselves. I wish I could do this every weekend!