February 17, 2016


Date played: February 16th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

I completed 3 missions last night, one of which had me destroy an alien Avatar project facility!

In the first mission, I had to attack an Advent train and hack a computer. There was a turn timer, so I had to fucking hustle. I've started using a new type of grenade that has been rather useful for attacking clusters or enemies. The acid grenade shreds armor and deals acid damage, which continues to hurt enemies over time. It also creates a pool of acid on the ground, burning anything that walks through it. I've also started using a new sharpshooter, Princess Zelda, and I've been ranking up Victoria Everglot as a specialist focused on healing.
Princess Zelda takes the shot
The Avatar project's progress has been steadily climbing and I was at a point where I had no choice but to take it down a few notches, so I finally attacked one of the Avatar facilities. This was a very difficult mission... Thankfully, it didn't have a turn timer, so I could really take my time and set up and ensure everyone on the team is ready, and safe.

I actually had a lot of wounded soldiers coming into this fight, so I had to use some of my lower ranked grunts. There were some new enemies to fight here such as automated turrets that have lots of armor and long range. The most dangerous was a beautiful floating alien with a deadly melee attack and a lot of HP. I had to really take my time and be careful, but I made it through alive. This reduced the Avatar project's progress by 3 notches, a significant amount, but not enough to alleviate all the pressure. I need to take down another as soon as possible.

Back on the Avenger, I've made good progress with the story and upgrading my gear and capabilities. I've built a comms center to increase the number of contacts I can have with resistance bases around the world. I've upgraded my grenades to deal a lot more damage. I bought a cool skill for Rangers that grants 3 bonus damage when flanking an enemy. I upgraded my shotguns and Gremlin drones. I even discovered a ton of clues to the alien's big plans by torturing a Codex inside the shadow chamber facility.

It turns out, the alien "true form" are called Elders and they are dying due to a degenerative disease. Whenever they encountered a new species in their travels, they started abducting them to harvest their DNA and try to find a cure. It seems that when they encountered humans, they found something critical to their survival, and so, have been harvesting human bodies since the beginning of the invasion. It's all quite fascinating, and it opened up a series of new missions, but I have to make contact with these regions before I can really continue.

After all these revelations, I completed another mission, this time sending me to save some citizens from one of my resistance bases. I encountered yet another new enemy type here, a Berserker. These huge aliens are genetically modified Mutons that are built for one thing only. Pure bloodlust. They are big, they have lots of HP, but honestly, they weren't much trouble. I just picked them off from a distance before they could touch any of my guys.

One of the things I like most about this game is that my soldiers get wounded, forcing me to have a deep roster, where everyone is useful. I have almost 3 full teams honestly, though of course I have some favorites. I've also discovered that I'll be able to train my soldiers to use psionic abilities, but the facility to do this is too expensive for me right now. I've got a couple of guys waiting to be trained there, including Colonel Mustard...