February 7, 2016

SteamWorld Heist

Piper is now level 9
Date played: February 6th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

The third area is filled with dangerous Vectron enemies, the new type of robot I unleashed when I defeated the Red Queen. These guys are very dangerous, mainly because they can teleport anywhere in the map and are often shielded by floating orbs that float around. I played about 4 levels, none of which were too hard.

Piper is now level 9, and most of the rest of my squad is 7 or 8. I'm pretty sure level 10 is the maximum, so I must be nearing the end of the game. I replaced all my weapons and some of my gear, though I can't seem to get a better weapon than the minigun I gave Beatrix.