February 2, 2016

SteamWorld Heist

Date played: February 2nd
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

XCOM 2 is just a few days away and I couldn't be more excited! To curb my turn based strategy needs in the meantime, I have turned to SteamWorld Heist. The game keeps being very satisfying because of it's amazing combat system. My team has now changed to be primarily Piper and her long range sniper shots, Sally with her fast movement and extra shots, and Beatrix, a heavy who can shot twice when she begins a turn without moving.
Sally, Beatrix and Piper

I made my way through a large portion of the second world and I think I'm getting real close to the end of that one. I've upgraded most of my guns and leveled up my main team, but every fight is still a challenge. I beat a mini-boss kinda guy who had strong melee, mostly by moving around quickly and taking full advantage of all my skills. I really like this little game, and it's been a great hockey watching companion.