February 13, 2016

Rocket League

Date played: February 12th and 13th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I've entered the world of Twitch live streaming... I set up a little webcam, configured Nvidia's Shadowplay software and played some 2 player Rocket League with the oldest of my little brothers live on Twitch. I liked my experience, though much of our evening was plagued with lag. Honestly, I'm pretty sure the lag was from the Rocket League servers, though I'm not entirely sure and I'd like to test more before I jump to any conclusions. I definitely liked streaming, and had a few different people join the stream.

Check out my channel on Twitch!
Yeah, we're fucking cool
Since my focus was on getting the stream going and testing out audio and stuff, I wasn't really focused on the game itself. Plus, with the awful lag, we only had a few really playable matches. I had a couple of nice moves and good plays, but mostly, I was horrible. We tried out the Rocket Labs playlist a little too, so that was cool.