February 18, 2016

Rocket League

Death from above - I score a sweet aerial goal
Date played: February 17th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

Rocket League makes me feel good.

This week has been pretty rough for me, lots of stress, I'm trying to quit smoking and work is crazy, so I needed some stress relief. While it may not look like a relaxing game, Rocket League is actually really relaxing for me. It's just plain old fun to play. Win or lose, I have fun! Plus, I've been steaming everything on Twitch, so there's an archive of my matches.

I played pretty well last night, getting lots of MVP's, scoring a few goals, setting up good plays and making a couple of great saves. My best goal came from a beautiful pass from a teammate, which lobbed the ball high in the air from the sideboards. I jumped up from midfield, boosted up, leveled the car off in mid air, then dropped my nose to hit the ball over the goalie from above! It was glorious...