February 29, 2016

Rocket League

Date played: February 28th
Platform: PS4

I visited my brother at his house last night and we ended up playing Rocket League for a few hours. His roommate joined us, so we had a solid 3 man team to do some 3v3. Let me tell you, we absolutely rocked!

Our team had great chemistry, and I was accurate with my shots. I spent a lot more time in the air than usual too, since my team was there to set up amazing air plays. I scored a few aerial goals and countless clears, centers and saves from the air. My brother had trouble scoring at first, but after a few warm up rounds, he was as hot as ever. His roommate was kind of the same way too.

To top it all off, we had a great visual style going for our team. We all had a sort of Tokyo street racing look. I had the flashiest colors, my brother had the darkest and his roommate was somewhere in between. I had a lot of fun playing this game, as usual.