November 4, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Date played: November 4th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I spent some time with my daughter today and she asked that we play Wind Waker a little bit. We ended up playing through the entire first dungeon! I freed Tingle from a small jail cell and got a camera as a reward, but it seems useless. There's a new system in the Wii U version where users can leave messages in a bottle through Miiverse. I bought the sail for my boat in Windfall Village, then headed East to Dragon Roost Island.

Along the way, I found a few very small islands, but didn't find much interesting there. I didn't have the ability to change the direction of the wind yet, so I didn't explore anything yet. I met with the Dragon Roost residents and was asked to help the young prince meet with Valoo, the big red dragon dude. I got the help of a young girl and found the way to the dragon's nest. I learned how to play music too, so I will be able to control wind when I get back to my boat.

The dungeon's boss was cool, but easy
Most of the navigation outside the dungeon was based on picking up bomb flowers and blowing up rocks. After a bit, I made it to the dungeon and explored the whole thing. There was lots of lava, bats and believe it or not, lava bats. I also used water jugs to build temporary platforms in the lava. Eventually, I got my first big item, the grappling hook. It can be used to grab wooden poles and traverse large gaps as well as to fight enemies.

I jumped my way through to the boss, a weird creature that was picking on Valoo by grabbing his tail all the time... The fight was real simple, I just had to grapple onto the dragon's tail to make stone boulders fall on the boss, then fight him with my sword. I got my first heart piece!