November 21, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Date played: November 20th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed level 7, the Eagle's Tower. It was definitely one of the better dungeons in the game, but it was quite difficult too. After some fucking around to get a feel for the dungeon, I found the basics like the map and compass. I eventually found a new item, a mirror shield. It reflects some projectiles, but honestly, it seems fairly useless.

The whole dungeon is a 4 story tower. There are many areas that have stairs and holes in the floor to move between levels. after exploring a lot, I couldn't quite figure out what to do. The owl was as cryptic as usual and nothing seemed obvious to me... thankfully, I got some help from a friend who recommended I go back to a room where a big black ball was sitting on the floor. It turns out I was able to pick it up, but I didn't even try that the first time.

This is where the real meat of the dungeon started. I had to carry the ball in different parts of the dungeon to throw it onto 4 pillars that supported the highest floor. This was quite challenging because I couldn't use stairs with the ball and if I dropped it in the floor, I had to start over. Because of the ingenious design of the dungeon, it was lots of fun figuring out exactly what could work and what couldn't. Using a combination of blocks, switches, gaps, railings and spikes, the path to each pillar was more challenging than the last.

Link sure knows how to destroy pillars
The room that gave me the most trouble had me spawning a chest by defeating enemies, then throwing the ball over a railing. I then had to go around to another area and blow up some walls with bombs to make a path. Then find the opening to the path and reach the room with the chest and ball. Finally, I could hookshot over to the chest and finally destroy the last pillar, which brought down the entire 4th level to the 3rd level.

That's where I fought the boss, one of the coolest in the game. The Evil Eagle is a large eagle that swoops in an attacks Link from above. it's a 2D fight and I had to remain on top of the tower to succeed. The Eagle sometimes blew me off the tower by flapping it's powerful wings. I used the shield to protect myself from it's attacks, and the hookshot to damage it. After falling off 4 or 5 times and having to restart, I managed to stay up there and inflict enough damage to defeat him, get a heart and my 7th instrument.