November 26, 2014

Bayonetta 2 demo

Date played: November 25th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

Bayonetta 2 is fucking insane!

Seriously, the demo opens with the heroine riding a flying jet while fighting demons and crushing them with giant high heels, all while her hair costume becomes thinner and thinner until she is almost naked. Yup, that's Bayonetta 2.

All this crazy non-sense would be for naught if the game didn't play well though. I was VERY impressed at how this game handles itself. The fighting mechanics are spot on and tons of fun to play with. The combos are satisfying, the dodge is powerful and the strong Umbra Climax attacks are very cool.

I fought a bunch of demos, then a ... a.... well fuck, I don't know what it was but it was huge and had tentacles and fought me as I rode a moving train. I then somehow summoned a huge dragon of death that killed that beast, but then betrayed me! I took out the dragon in an epic fight and the demo ended. It was a short demo, but it was very cool and I loved what I played. The game looks good, though clearly the Wii U isn't as strong as a PS4 or Xbox One. The music is super Japanese and the story looks like a real mind-fuck. I definitely want to play this...