November 30, 2014

Sunset Overdrive

Date played: November 30th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 8/10

I just completed Shadow of Mordor, so I'm ready to jump back into Sunset Overdrive. I started with two challenge missions. The first one had me plant bombs in 4 spots before the timer ran out. I got gold on my second try, it was quite easy. The second was a points challenge that had me collect numbers while grinding on a construction structure. I had tried this the last time I played and couldn't manage the gold time, but this time I got it in three attempts.

I then went back to the story missions. I was asked to find a propeller from my friend at the fort, though I really didn't get why he was asking me this... I went to the propeller factory (!!) but quickly discovered that there were no propellers to be found, though I did find a young lad in dire need of rescuing from the O.D.. I basically had to escort the guy out of the general area and kill any of the monsters that got in the way.
Thankfully, I had two new weapons in my arsenal. The first is a little mascot dude that can be dropped on an area that spews toxic liquid. It acts a bit like an area of effect trap which is extremely useful when dealing with the constant onslaught of enemies in the game. The second is a cute little teddy bear gun, except the toys are stuffed with TNT. It's a very powerful weapon that can take care of large amounts of enemies at once, but ammo is somewhat limited.

After saving the dude, I helped him drive a train back to his hideout, a lounge filled with low-intelligence rich kids who got into college with their parents money. Apparently, one of them knows a lot about propellers, but he is bummed out because his favorite brand of bottled water is nowhere to be found...

I first took on a side quest that had me collect some backpacks that the kids lost. It was pretty simple, though there were some strong monsters guarding some of it. Then I went to find the kid's favorite water. I found an area filled with gunk that had to be cleared out. To do it, I had to break open some valves. Of course, I had to fight more monsters in the process, but after a while, the gunk was gone and I brought back a case of the water to the spoiled brat.

Finally, I played another side mission where a hobo required my help to drive a train all the way to the docks. Again, I had to defend the fucking thing from hundreds of monsters, though my remarkable arsenal showed it's usefulness once again.