November 17, 2014

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Date played: November 16th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I played through some important events in Shadow of Mordor. It all started with a mission where Talion and the redhead dude decided to blow up a large monument the orcs use to inspire fear in humans. We escorted a cart filled with explosives through the entire map. I had to clear out orc camps and fend off vicious beasts until we reached our destination. I then had to defend the cart from dozens of orcs, finally pushing the damn thing into the statue, blowing up an important landmark of the world.

This earned the attention of The Hammer, a direct representative of Sauron. This was the single toughest enemy I've fought yet. He came equipped with a scary mace and some strong magical attacks. I kept at it and killed him though. I really liked that battle.

That's when the game opened up a whole new map to explore! I received a request from a mysterious young lady who claimed that her mother, a Queen of some sort, could help me find the Black Hand and destroy him. I met with her and followed her to a new area, surprisingly filled with life, something unusual in Mordor. I met a Dwarf who seems keen to help me too, though I haven't seen much of him yet.

The weird old queen and her daughter
In fact, I spent a large portion of my time exploring the new map, rebuilding it's towers, collecting it's collectibles and playing side quests. It's nice to get a new boost of experience and currency from the quests, I actually upgraded a lot of stuff, including a new bow ability that lets me fire unlimited arrows with unlimited focus for a limited time. It's a good thing I'm getting more powerful though, as the enemies in this area are generally tougher. There are more shielded enemies and more berserkers than before.

One of my side missions turned into a 30 minute assault on a stronghold. As a side benefit, I killed three captains in the damn place... It was all pretty damn challenging, the place was swarming with orcs. I used every trick in my book to survive. I played a ton of other side missions with slave rescues, bow challenges and stealth challenges, but I still have tons to go. Oh! And there is now a brand new set of orc captains and warchiefs to kill!