June 1, 2016


Date played: May 31st
Platform: PC

"Justice will be done."
I've really found my role in Overwatch with Reinhardt... While I will sometimes play with Symmetra and Lucio, that's usually only because someone else already picked a tank. If I can, I pick Reinhardt. I played with my friend who mostly used Reaper and Pharah. He was harassing and killing enemies while I held the line and objectives with my mighty tank.

Reaper is cool and all, but while he does a lot of killing, it's pretty rare that he actually makes a big difference in winning the game. Pharah, on the other hand, has a huge impact on the game. She can pepper an area with her rockets to spread a team out and she is ideal for taking out turrets and Bastions that are positioned behind enemy lines. She's also really good at clearing an area with her ultimate, making way for the payload to move forward or allowing attackers or defenders to regroup. She's always a welcome addition to any team, so I like it better when my buddy uses her instead of Reaper.

We played really well together, and even when we lost, we lost with fucking honor, fighting to the last damn second like a vicious honey badger. As Reinhardt, it's pretty rare that I get play of the game, so when I got one last night, it felt amazing! I had a damn good play too. I was the last man standing, attacking the point. I charged in and killed a Mercy by pinning her against a wall, then I used my ultimate to stun a Reaper and Tracer who were closing in, all while contesting the point. I then used Fire Strike on them, killing the tracer, and took out the Reaper with my trusty rocket hammer. That won us the round, even though we lost the game.