June 10, 2016


Date played: June 9th
Platform: PC and PS4

Once again, I played a ton of Overwatch last night, some of it with my friend and a few of his friends, then later with my brother. With my friend, we ended up in a group of 4, all with voice chat, so that was a really cool experience. We did rather well overall. I was using Reinhardt and my buddy healed for a bit with Mercy, then later played with Pharah. I even got a play of the game with the big tank, so that was fun. My friend also received a great play of the game as Pharah where he killed a bunch of people on the capture point on Illios.

Throughout the evening, I had a few nice games with Lucio, including a few kills where I pushed people into bottomless pits, it's a very satisfying move. The highlight of the evening was when I messed around with Winston and Mercy. I'm getting much better with both of them.

Winston is all about getting in, messing with people, then jumping out. I've found him really good at taking care of squishy heroes, including the fast ones, with his Tesla Cannon. I've murdered countless Tracers, Symmetra's and Genji's with him. I also find him pretty good at fighting Reinhardt's who have their shields up. The only problem I have with Winston is that I'm not very good with his ultimate yet, but I'll keep practicing. He's really fun to play.
I'm getting more comfortable with Mercy
Mercy is very powerful also. I'm getting the hang of avoiding enemies by flying to nearby teammates and floating around while healing. Her pistol is surprisingly useful in a few situations too, like taking out turrets from behind a Reinhardt who has his shield up. Her damage boosting ability is very strong with high damage characters like Soldier 76, Reaper, Pharah and Bastion.

I even got a play of the game with her by reviving 3 teammates while we were defending the payload. It turned the tide of battle and led to our victory. I want to play more Mercy for sure.