June 16, 2016


Date played: June 15th
Platform: PC and PS4

Once again, I played a lot of Overwatch last night. First, I played on PC with my friend, and we tried this week's brawl where EVERYONE is Soldier 76. It was as completely ridiculous as it sounds. It actually felt a lot like a cheap rip off of Call of Duty... It was fun honestly, but I wouldn't play that for too long. At first, I sucked, but after a few minutes, I was using the Soldier's range to my advantage, and played a bit more like I play COD. Headshots are key of course...

After this dumb mode, we went back to the normal playlist. I played a lot of Reinhardt, but also a lot of Mercy. At this point, it's almost like I'm playing about 40% Reinhardt, 40% Mercy and 20% others, like Winston or Symmetra. Honestly, I would prefer playing more Reinhardt, but there just aren't a lot of people that heal in this game, and I want to win, so I fucking heal. Thankfully, I was pretty damn good at it last night, getting many quality plays, all of it near the objective. I made many solid plays with Mercy throughout the evening. I even had a few moments where I flew up to my buddy's Pharah, damage boosted him, then healed him in mid-air. It was glorious.

Later, I played with one of my brothers on PS4. It was our first time playing together, and he hasn't played a lot yet, so we had many fun discussions. He played Widowmaker for most of the matches, though he also messed around with Reaper. I'm not surprised at all, since he's always been kind of a camper in shooters. He's been a sniper in Battlefield, and would use semi-auto rifles in COD, so Widowmaker makes sense.
My brother and I get ready for the match
He's also a pretty damn good shot, so if he can play Widow how she is meant to be played, I'll be happy to heal or tank. In one payload match, he even got the play of the game, in large parts because of me! A genji was flanking us and no one noticed him except me, playing Mercy. I pulled out my fucking pistol again and shot the dude in the head a few times. It was enough to get him to come out. My brother noticed him and shot him dead. I then healed my wounded bro and gave him a damage boost, which gave him a couple more kills.

I really liked playing with my brother, and I can't wait for us to have a game where the 3 of us are all online together, it will be ridiculous...