June 24, 2016

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Date played: June 23rd
Platform: Vita

I pulled my Vita out of retirement. It's been a while since I played something on it, but I had been meaning to download Axiom Verge to it for a while. So I charged the device, booted it up and downloaded a few games, including Ghost of Sparta, a PSP game that had been free on PS+ a while ago.

There have been 2 God of War games on PSP and I had fucking loved the first one, Chains of Olympus, when it first came out. I had always meant to play the sequel, Ghost of Sparta, but never got around to it. I've loved every God of War game, so I wasn't too surprised at myself when I had a ton of fun with Ghost of Sparta right away.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue what's happening in the story. The little bits of story that are presented are incoherent, and quite simply, irrelevant. This game is all about glorious combat and bloody death. All I understood is that Kratos, the hero, has visions and wants to stop them. To do this, he goes to Atlantis and the temple of Poseidon.

The game opens with Kratos on a ship, fighting some little monster men. Combat is simple, but has depth. There's a light attack, a heavy attack, a grab, a dodge, a block and a jump. Combined together, this makes for some really fun combat, which was always the best part of God of War. After dispatching the little monsters, the ship was attacked by a giant sea creature named Scylla. It has tentacles, is huge, and spawns little spider-like creatures to attack Kratos. After fighting this beast a few times as I moved through the ship, I eventually chopped off a couple of tentacles, though it's not dead yet. The deadly beast is still lurking in the waters nearby.

Eventually, I got off the ship into the temple of Poseidon. I fought many monsters here and solved a couple of simple puzzles. The two most interesting battles had me fight a Minotaur and a Cyclops respectively. The Minotaur hits hard and moves rather quickly, but was easy to block. The Cyclops is slower, but can't be easily blocked. Instead, I had to dodge, then hit him with my chains when I could. This led to Kratos stabbing the motherfucker in the eye with his chains, resulting in a sea of spurting blood. I'm glad to finally be playing this game.