June 6, 2016


Date played: June 5th
Platform: PS4

I love gaming, I really do. I also love playing with friends and family. However, because of the way things are, that means I have some friends playing games on Playstation, Xbox and Windows... One of my brothers bought Overwatch for PS4, so being the dumbass that I am, I went ahead and bought the game AGAIN on PS4.


Last night, I played with my brother all night. He's had some experience with the game in the beta, then later when he played at my house, so he's not a complete newbie. He is also pretty damn good at video games in general, so it didn't take him long to pick up the game and get into the groove. His favorite character is Tracer, but he also enjoys Mercy, Lucio, Soldier 76, D. Va and Pharah.

He's at his best when using either Tracer or Mercy, but has been learning the others rather quickly too. Of course, buying the game on PS4 again means I get to start at level 1 again, so the first few matches were complete bloodbaths. We completely dominated everyone... I used Reinhardt and he used mostly Mercy, so we were very strong. I got play of the game a bunch of times during the lower levels.

Players at low levels don't have all the information and knowledge they need to be successful yet, so I was able to run into the middle of an enemy pack, swing my hammer a few times then retreat pretty easily. At higher levels, this isn't possible, someone will take me down quickly or stun me. In fact, I even had my first quadruple kill by using a combination of all my abilities, swinging hard into a bunch of squishy heroes. I also had a few nice rounds as Lucio, and a rough one with Winston.

As we leveled up though, we finally fought some worthy opponents and started losing a few matches. It was a lot of fun to play with my brother and voice chat with him. In fact, I wish I was playing Overwatch with him right now.