October 16, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes demo

Date played: October 15th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

Tri Force Heroes is such a weird game. It seems to be pretty much a direct sequel to Four Swords since it's a cooperative Zelda game, but with 3 players instead of 4. Nintendo put out a demo via codes sent by email, but it's got some really weird conditions. Basically, it's only playable with 3 local players except for a few blocks of 5 hours during the next 3 days where online will be active. This meant that the only way I could try this game was to find 2 friends who wanted to play with me.

Two of my friends at work are really into Zelda. One of them is playing Oracle of Ages right now and the other has a triforce tattoo on his arm.... so I had found the right people. We managed to schedule a break together and played through the first little dungeon of the game together.

The game's concept is really cool. Basically, it's Zelda, but with 3 Links that can stack onto each other to create a tower to reach higher platforms and to attack higher enemies and hit higher objects. There's a set of emotes on the touch screen that communicate basic information like "Over here", "No" and other useful messages. The dungeon features a bunch of little green blobs, a common enemy in Zelda games. We found some bows and navigated the dungeon together.

Hearts and rupees are shared across all players, so that's pretty cool. It was pretty difficult to coordinate properly sometimes, even if we were in the same room together. There was even an instance where my friend threw me into a bottomless pit by accident! We beat a giant blob boss at the end where each phase required us to be stacked at different heights. It was all lots of fun and is a very interesting concept, now it's just a matter of seeing how easy it is to play with friends once the online portion hits.