September 10, 2015


Date played: September 9th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

The last time I played Transistor, I loved it, but I never played it again until last night. The incredible music pulled me right back in... It's unusual for a game like this to have full vocals in the background music and honestly, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often because it works very well.

I continued progressing through the city, discovering hints about what happened to all it's residents. It's kind of unclear, but I think the game is set inside a computer program or something. Then the bad guys are "The Process", and my functions are based somehow related to specific people. Transistor is actually the name of my sword, and narrator. He is an intelligent being somehow, but again, stuff is unclear about the story in this game.
Red is more than a badass warrior, she is also a wonderful singer!
What I know for sure is that the game plays very well. The gameplay systems are very unique and fun to use. Each function can be assigned to be active, upgrade or passive. The number of combinations and different effects is absolutely insane... I got a few new functions and a bit more power to equip more functions at the same time. Charm is my favorite, as it can be used to turn enemies into friends for a short time. I actually use it as a passive ability which makes it so that every time I defeat an enemy and collect it's cell, there is a high chance that a small unit will spawn to help me defeat the remaining enemies.

There's also a sort of power bomb function, a quick fire laser and a "Help" robot. I have set up some pretty cool combos and I love experimenting with the different functions. I love Transistor and will definitely keep playing it, at least until Super Mario Maker is in my hands...