September 4, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight

Date played: September 3rd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Shit just got real... So there were 4 people that had been infected with Joker's blood that were held inside some isolation cells. These guys all took on characteristics of the Joker himself, except for one man. There was also a 5th cell, that was empty. Robin was in charge of researching the man who didn't show any symptoms in order to find a cure.

Unfortunately, Harley Quinn, the Joker's insane right hand, made a big return by breaking into the movie studios where the infected were held and freeing them all. With Robin's help, Batman infiltrated the facility and taking out the three loose Jokers and Harley Quinn. The first was a woman who was well protected by a series of thugs. The next was a charming singer who had placed a set of explosives around the room as he sung like a crooner. Batman couldn't do anything without him blowing up the whole place, so I got to control Robin and take out the explosives stealthily as the man sung. Finally, the third was huge brawler that where Batman and Robin had to fight together to defeat.

I managed to knock out Harley Quinn shortly after, thanks to a new gadget, a voice modulator. This allows Batman to send commands to the enemies by pretending to be their leader. When we got back to the isolation rooms, the fourth, uninfected man was waiting for us. It turns out, he was infected after all and decided to shoot and kill all the other Jokers, then shot himself in the head.

Harley Quinn is annoying, but she's a great villain
As all of this was happening, Batman's hallucinations became worse and worse. Robin asks that Bruce enter an isolation room to avoid becoming a real threat to the city... In a horrible turn of events, Batman decides to imprison Robin instead and go after Scarecrow. It seems that Batman was the 5th person infected with Joker's blood... Fuck. Also, he's been lying a whole fucking lot, to Gordon, to Robin and even to poor Alfred...

Anyway, I got out of there, Robin still locked up, and discovered that the Arkham Knight had sent reinforcements into the city, creating a slew of new side missions like towers, militia headquarters, landmines and aerial drones. I spent a good amount of time clearing up that stuff. I also continued chasing down the Penguin's weapon caches. The evil businessman managed to capture Nightwing, so I had to rescue my friend. I captured the Penguin, saved Nightwing and took him back to the GCPD.

I also continued the series of missions to save Catwoman from the Riddler. Again, these side missions are some of the best in the game, each puzzle requiring quite a bit of thought, but also some skill. My favorites are the Batmobile obstacle races, they require speed, skill and fast thinking. I can't do the final mission yet because, as Riddler puts it, I lack intelligence, but also, the right tool. That means I need a gadget I have yet to find...