September 14, 2015

Super Mario Maker

Date played: September 13th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 10/10

As soon as I got into the game, making a fourth level, my 5 year old daughter asked me if she could put a mushroom. I handed her the tablet controller and showed her how to use the menus and the stylus. Within minutes, she was creating a full level all by herself! It's set over a lava pit, has a winged mushroom at the beginning, a couple of rotating fire barriers, some fireballs and a series of three collapsing skull trains, each spaced accurately.

Finally, there's a final encounter with Bowser, or "The Boss" as she put it. I played the level and was surprised to see that it worked almost perfectly right away. We had to make a few minor adjustments, like moving the mushroom a little closer, but for the most part, she fucking nailed it... She made her mother and uncle play the level too, pride beaming from her smiling face. I'm really proud of the level she made, we called it "Bowser d'Alice", French for "Alice's Bowser".

Fight or Flight
Feeling inspired, I set about making a full New Super Mario Bros level. Early on, I decided to make it so that if the player finds the hidden propeller hat costume, they can fly above most of the danger in the level, and get a 1UP out of it. I really took time to ensure things were spaced properly and rather difficult, without being unfair. I used coins to guide the player and help them notice hidden paths.

I have two pairs of Hammer Bros in there and even a final wall that must be blown up by a Bob-Omb to progress...unless you have the propeller hat of course! I called it "Fight or Flight" and you can play it here: C5A4-0000-0034-1EF8. I've unlocked the castle set, the airship set and the Super Mario Bros 3 theme! I'm excited to try out the new stuff...