September 28, 2015

Super Mario Maker

Date played: September 27th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 10/10

After a week of playing Forza 6 pretty much exclusively, I finally went back to Super Mario Maker. I played a few levels that people made, including a little run through the easy 100 Mario challenge. It's a bit frustrating that most people make shitty levels. Lots of them are just badly designed, many are just filled with enemies and others are simply way too short. There's the occasional awesome level though. One of my brothers visited, so I had a good time making him play my levels, and my daughter's level! He liked what he played and thought most of what I made felt like real Mario levels, though he found one of them to be a bit too hard.

Most of my time was spent creating though. I made two levels, one in Super Mario World and the other in Super Mario Bros 3. The SMB 3 level  is called Running Shoes  and you can play it here: 23C1-0000-0078-BE2A. I tried making an easy level, since I have a tendency to make levels that I find challenging to myself. I've got a bit of theme going... Basically, the first half of the level is built around running across chasms where blocks are placed close enough to run over if going full speed. I've scattered some Chain Chomps and Goombas around.

The second part of the level requires that the player use Kuribo's shoe, the green sock thing that protects Mario's feet. I've built platforms that are covered with Chompers, stationary plant-creatures. Finally, I built a pipe underground that leads to a small pipe maze and eventually, the level's exit.
Wiggle Room: 7082-0000-0078-8B65
The Super Mario World level is called Wiggle Room and you can play it here: 7082-0000-0078-8B65. I'm very proud of this one as I put a lot of effort into it. The place is themed around Wigglers, the cute caterpillar things that get angry when hit. I've also used a lot of mushroom platforms to make it pretty. Most of the challenge in the level comes from pure platforming, my favorite part of any Mario game. I've even got a boss room where I put a giant angry Wiggler with wings that can't be defeated. The player must jump on it's head to escape the room safely. Towards the end, I've got a short section with platforms on rails, through buzz saws. I think it's easily my best level.