September 1, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Date played: August 31st
Platform: Wii
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a bit of Twilight Princess with my daughter after her first day of school. I made it to Kakariko village, which was in Twilight. I found the kids there, but had to return light to the town first. I hunted down the little bugs that stole the spirit's light. I like this mechanic, it lets me explore the village and find all the little secret paths. After I restored light, I talked to the kids and Renado, the person in charge of the village.

He informed me that there was a spirit to save in nearby Death Mountain, but that it was being guarded by the Gorons. It's unusual because normally, Gorons are very friendly, but these days, they are aggressive towards humans. To make it past them, I needed some help from the mayor of Ordon village. Epona met me in the village, so I rode her back to my home town and met the mayor.
Victory pose!
Believe or not, I had to sumo wrestle the guy, a skill that would prove useful later when I went back to the Gorons. He also gave me the iron boots, that add a lot of weight. When I got back to Kakariko village, some boar-riding goblins attacked and kidnapped one of the kids. I chased them down with my horse and fought them on horseback, then had to joust with the leader of the pack. The mechanics for fighting while mounted were fine, but the jousting was a little rough. I saved the kid and went back to the village and headed for Death Mountain.

Using my new iron boots, I was able to toss the Gorons that rolled at me, then reached their stronghold inside the mountain. I sumo wrestled the chief to prove my worth, then discovered that the usual leader had been transformed into a monster by the evil within the mine. I've reached the second dungeon!