September 7, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight

Date played: September 6th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

Deathstroke is the mercenary that was hired by Scarecrow to take over when the Arkham Knight was defeated. He has a grudge against Batman, but money is his first motivation. I managed to take out all of the landmines, watchtowers and militia checkpoints across the city. While it certainly took some effort to complete it all, I had to resort to a guide to find some of the locations... One security checkpoint had me looking around like an idiot in particular. Some of the battles in those locations were pretty tough, requiring a lot of precision and quick thinking during combat.

After clearing out all that stuff, I was able to take on Deathstroke himself. He rode a large tank with 360 degrees of visibility and was protected by a few Cobra tanks. I took him out with the Batmobile and jailed him at the GCPD.
Drones attack the GCPD
Scarecrow wasn't quite done with us though. He still holds Gordon captive, and possibly Robin too. He organized a large scale drone and soldier attack on the GCPD itself, trying to free the prisoners. This was easily the biggest drone battle in the game yet. Thankfully, Oracle was there to help a bit by hacking into some of the tanks and creating EMP's every once in a while. After the tanks were destroyed, I had to protect the GCPD from soldiers dropping in from helicopters. Again, these were some of the more difficult battles in the game, with tough soldiers and high end equipment. I took them out and must now head to the movie studios to stop Scarecrow!