September 21, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Fyrus, the boss of the Goron Mines
Date played: September 20th
Platform: Wii
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Goron Mines are now safe and the Goron elders have been saved!

The second dungeon in the game featured a lot of lava and many spots where the iron boots were needed. I used them to activate switches and walk under water, but more interestingly, to walk on walls and ceilings in special areas that are "magnetic". Maybe it's not science? Maybe it's just magic? Anyway, it was a pretty good dungeon, featuring magnetic crane puzzles and some awesome fire-breathing lizard enemies.

The mini-boss was a big, dumb Goron that I had to throw over the edge of a platform while wearing my iron boots. After three swims in the lava, he was done for. Eventually, I scored a new, powerful item, the bow! I used the bow to take out long range archers and rotating towers of laser-death. Then I fought the final boss, the Goron Elder who had been possessed by some evil force. The fight was cool, I had to shoot him in the head with the bow, then grab the chains that hung from his legs, put on the iron boots and pull to knock him down. I then simply whacked at his head with my sword for a bit until he got up, and repeated. I'm back in Kakariko Village now, the town starting to have more life in it now. I bought myself a nice metal shield before shutting off the game.