September 7, 2015

Forza Motorsport 6 demo

Date played: September 7th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 9/10

I've always loved the Forza series. I spent hours and hours in the first three games, Forza 2 being the one that held my interest the most. However, I never played Forza 4, mainly because I wasn't playing much on the Xbox 360 at that time, and never played Forza 5 since I didn't get an Xbox One until a bit later. I did spend quite a bit of time in Forza Horizon 2 this summer and fucking loved it.

Forza 6 is coming out soon and honestly, it looks to be one of the best racing games ever made, at least, that's the impression the demo gave me. Of course, it handles like a dream, as every Forza game does. It looks spectacular, with a stable 60 FPS across the board, 24 cars on track, exquisitely detailed interiors and sprawling, animated landscapes. It sounds amazing too with the roar of the engines and the screech of the tires on tarmac.

The demo features a quick introductory race, three qualifying events and one special event. I got to drive the sexy new Ford GT 2017 in the intro, but most of the assists were turned on, so it wasn't really the experience I was looking for. I picked a Toyota GT 86 for my qualifying events and turned off most assists, with the exception of traction control and ABS. I also pumped up the opponent difficulty quite a bit, otherwise it was way too easy.

The three events showcased the game pretty well, including a night race and a race in the rain, both being new features to the series. Wet racing was particularly impressive. I mean, I've raced in the rain plenty of times in other games, but the way this game feels in the rain is unmatched. For example, racing through a large puddle feels exactly like it does in real life. It's hard to describe in words, but I quickly learned to fear the puddles and slow down when I approached them.

There was also a special event that put me in the cockpit of an Indy car around Indianapolis. The oval track was fun in it's right, allowing for breakneck speeds and a real sense of danger. I love what I've played of Forza 6 and am utterly convinced that I need to play this game when it comes out!