September 6, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight

Date played: September 5th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I know who the Arkham Knight is...

Commissioner Gordon was still held captive by the Arkham Knight, but the path to him was blocked, so I had to find a different way in. I found some underground tunnels that led me to the right spot, only to be chased by the Knight, riding a huge tunnel digging vehicle. I basically had to lure him to some areas of the tunnel that were rigged with explosives to damage the vehicle. After taking enough damage though, he managed to trap me into a corner and destroyed my precious Batmobile!

I got inside the room where Gordon was held, but the Knight followed and set himself up on a perch, armed with a sniper rifle. I had to solve some pretty rough stealth rooms to get under him and damage him. When I beat him, it was revealed that the Knight was none other than Jason Todd, the first Robin! I thought he was dead, but it turns out, he wasn't and was so pissed at Batman for leaving him for dead that he decided to hunt him down and kill him...

The Arkham Knight, also known as Jason Todd, the first Robin
In an painful twist of events, Batman and Gordon reached Scarecrow, only to discover that Barbara wasn't dead after all! The suicide scene was all an elaborate setup by Scarecrow... To save his little girl, Gordon turned his gun on Batman and shot him in the chest and tossing him out the side of the skyscraper. Scarecrow being the awful person that he is, betrayed Gordon and threw Barbara off the building as well. Thankfully, Batman wasn't really injured by the gunshot, so he saved her in the nick of time. Lucius Fox sent the backup Batmobile (it's white!) and I had to find a different way to stop Scarecrow and save Gordon, though Barbara is now safe at the GCPD.

Barbara reprises her role of Oracle, but from the GCPD. To get some info on Scarecrow, she needed access to some files in her clock tower hideout, so I had to clear the thugs out of that area. I stopped and did a few side missions here. I completed the Azrael missions, those were pretty cool. I also saved a reporter from some cultists, cleared out some militia towers and bases and took out a few drones.

Finally, I saved the last few firefighters, only to discover that the Chief of the fire department had given access codes to the buildings that were targeted by Firefly... The man simply wanted to create work for his men, but that still makes him a criminal. I locked him up in the GCPD.