June 21, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Date played: June 21st
Platform: Wii
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed the Fire Sanctuary dungeon and found the last sacred flame. The last few parts of the dungeon were pretty simple, I just had to fight a few archers, lizards and jump across some lava pits. Eventually, I made my way to the boss room and fought once more against Ghirahim. It took me a little while to remember how to hit him, but once I figured out that I had to aim at the top of his hand, things went pretty smoothly from there. I defeated him, but of course he fled away. I picked up my piece of heart and upgraded my sword with the power to defeat demons.

Ghirahim doesn't stand a chance against Link
Back in Skyloft, I hunted for a few gratitude crystals, bought all the items from the flying shop and upgraded my slingshot ammo pouch. I also completed a side quest for the pumpkin chick. I went to find her a mole man helper for her pumpkin patch.

Finally, I spent a good amount of time trying to beat a new mini-game. The archery challenge required me to shoot down thrown pumpkins to reach a target score of 600 points. With every successful hit, the score for each pumpkin hit increases, but falls back down to 10 points if I miss a shot. This means that I had to practice quite a bit before getting a great run and hitting the target score. I must now head back to the Sacred Grounds to open the time gate.