June 7, 2015

Bros: Wasting Time Edition

Date played: June 7th
Platform: PS4 and Xbox One
Session fun rating: 10/10

One of my brothers came over this afternoon and we ended up having a bit of time to waste, so naturally, we played some video games. We ended up playing a bit of Forza Horizon 2, Futuridium EP and Skulls of the Shogun.
Futuridium EP has lots of style, but I'm not sure I like playing it...

In Forza Horizon 2, we just roamed around a bit, then tackled a bucket list challenge. The speed zone event featured a Nissan 370Z and required some high speeds after a difficult curve. We tried 4 or 5 times, passing the controller, but never hit the target speed.

Futuridium EP is a weird little shooter on PS4 where a spaceship must hit some targets on a large platform. Once all the targets are hit, a final target appears to complete the level. It has a very cool visual style and some awesome music, but I'm not sure I like how it controls and aims.

Finally, we played a 1 on 1 match in Skulls of the Shogun, a turn based strategy game featuring skeletal samurais and a tight time limit every turn. Each team has a few melee units, an archer, a knight and a general. We had absolutely no idea how to play, so it was pretty cool to learn on the fly and see who could win. I was doing rather well, thanks to efficient use of my archer, but I lost when my brother took advantage of my position on the field to throw my general into an abyss, killing him instantly. I really liked what I played of Skulls of the Shogun, I definitely want to play more of it.