June 19, 2015


Date played: June 19th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

BOXBOY! is a black and white 2D puzzle game made by HAL Laboratories, the team behind the Kirby games. Qbby, the hero, is a little cube that can spawn other cubes on either side or on top of him. Each level has a door to reach, so I must use the cubes I create to navigate across to the door. There's also some crowns to collect in the levels.
It's real hard to explain in text, but the little cubes are really versatile. I built bridges, activated switches, built some shields, protected myself from lasers, built ledges to grab onto, snaked across gaps, manipulated conveyor belts and all other sorts of clever mechanisms. The game is simple, but really satisfying. The levels are very short too, so it's easy to get a sense of progress, even if I don't play for very long.

I made it through the first 7 worlds, all of which had 6 levels each. There's a cool little narrative between levels where the cube dude met a cube dudette and a rectangle friend.