June 11, 2015

Civilization Revolution 2

Date played: June 11th
Platform: iOS
Session fun rating: 4/10

My girlfriend showed an interest in playing Civilization, plus, she loves her iPad, so I figured Civ Rev 2 would be a good place to start for her. The PC versions of Civ are pretty intimidating, but Civ Rev is a lot simpler. I had played the first game a little bit on Xbox 360 way back then, but I never really liked it as much as the real version.

Civ Rev 2 is very similar. It's like, a children's version of Civilization. I played a full game as Cesar and the Romans. I picked the third difficulty level, thinking it would give me a bit of a challenge. However, outside of an early war with the Mongols, which I destroyed in a narrow victory, I faced no real opposition as I cruised to a cultural victory easily.

One of the things I don't like about the game is that there are no workers to improve the tiles around cities. This means that it's hard to improve a city to meet my objectives. Thankfully, it wasn't an issue as I just built up culture like crazy and built dozens of wonders in my capital city, wonderful Rome. I might try the highest difficulty to see if it's more interesting, but so far, I just feel like it's a poor excuse for a Civilization game.