September 10, 2014


Date played: September 9th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well fuck, Destiny is awesome.

I really shouldn't be surprised, I mean, I've loved every Bungie game I've played after all. Destiny is basically a weird mix of Halo and Borderlands but with a small MMO town. The shooting is as good as any other shooter out there and isn't as stat driven as other FPS shooters. If you aim for the head, you hit the head, regardless of your stats. The group dynamics feel a lot like Borderlands, with different classes having different abilities that help each other out. Finally, the main hub feels a lot like a real MMO town except it has a small amount of players in it. There is also a competitive mode in there somewhere but I haven't seen it yet.

My character is a female robot, a race known as Exo's. She is a titan class character, which seems to be the "assault" type class. The game begins with a tutorial level. I picked up an assault rifle and a shotgun and shot some aliens in Russia. Soon enough, I found a ship and escaped to The Last City on Earth.

The shooting feels a LOT like Halo, which is a good thing. The graphics looks incredible, though the framerate is stuck at 30 fps... I really wish this was a bit smoother. The art style and music really help set the mood. The interface is very well done and easy to use. The Last City on Earth is where the giant floating orb resides, the Traveler. It's some sort of alien presence that helped humanity terraform and colonize Mars and Venus. It protects us from the Fallen, the enemy aliens. My job as a guardian is to help the Traveler protect Earth.

When I reached town, I explored a bit and found tons of little shops. In true MMO form, I danced with fellow guardians. I then headed out to my first mission. I joined a friend of mine in a three person fire team. So far, it seems parties are limited to three people, though that will be different in competitive modes.

Our little team went out and completed our mission together. Players can revive each other at any time, which was useful more than once. It was nice to flank enemies and use our different class abilities on enemies too. My ability is a nice grenade that hits pretty hard. Eventually, we faced a boss. He was a real fucker with lots of health, but sustained fire helped us take him down.

I really like what I've played so far. The action is really good, everything is pretty and the group dynamics are working. I am now level 3 and have a cool, mid range burst plasma rifle.