September 30, 2014

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Date played: September 29th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Protoss are an interesting race.

I played through the 4 Protoss missions that were made available with the crystal Raynor received. Jim is able to see into the future and play through the possible events as seen by the Protoss. It started with a mission where I only controlled Zeratul, Raynor's Protoss buddy. It was a nice intro to the Protoss and how to play them. Zeratul has some nice abilities. He's permanently cloaked, can cast Void which prevents an enemy from using abilities and can teleport around the map a bit using Blink. Eventually, I gathered some friendly units that helped me fight through the enemies and find the relic he was looking for.

The next mission introduced me to the base management mechanics of the Protoss. I had a small base and had to make my way to three Protoss being held captive by a new form of enemy, hybrids. These are a combination of Zerg and Protoss. They have a LOT of health and can hit real hard. I built up my base and slowly made my way to the enemy base and took them out. The units are different than Terrans, but they feel very similar. Base building is quite different though. Energy pylons are required to power nearby buildings and they also act as supplies. Buildings are warped in, so they construct themselves once initiated. It feels nice. I saved the three captives and moved on to the next mission.
The Queen of Blades, Kerrigan
In a battle long ago, the Zerg Overmind was defeated. It's tendrils contain traces of it's memory that Zeratul hopes to use to find a solution against the Zerg invasion. To do this, I had to build a base and bring troops to 4 different tendrils. I had solid defenses, this time enhanced by tons of cannons and a few of the huge quadruped, laser spewing creatures.

Finally, I was to witness the annihilation of the Protoss in an epic final battle. This was one of the coolest and intense missions in the game yet. I was provided with a very large base and lots of units. I had to fend off wave after wave of Zerg invaders until we were completely wiped out. It was completely awesome! I fought tooth and nail until the very end while hitting the bonus objectives. All the coolest units were available and useful. I used a ton of Carriers, large space cruisers that host dozens of smaller fighter ships as well as a large mix of air and land units.

With this whole story arc, Raynor discovered that Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, must survive to prevent this apocalypse.

September 28, 2014


Date played: September 28th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I pushed hard in the Crucible today, trying to gain the maximum allowed number of marks for the week. To do this, I ended up completing many bounties. One of those had me get 15 headshots with sniper rifles, and it was a real bitch. I'm far from being a good sniper. In fact, I should never really be sniping except in very rare situations where that's the best solution, but I used my sniper a lot more than usual tonight to complete the bounty.

I also ended up playing Salvage mode again, and it went a lot better than last time. We managed to win a few games. My super move and grenades were more than useful in that mode to lock down the relic site.
My new helmet is sexy

I scored a few new pieces including a nice chest armor and helmet. I also have a new shotgun that is a bit easier to use than my last one. I upgraded a few of those pieces too. I've almost maxed out my class abilities, so when turning in bounties, I've started equipping my other class to give it some exp and make it usable someday. I ended up getting all my marks for the week and completing quite a few bounties, though I'm still a ways off from Crucible rank 2 which I need to buy gear. 

NHL 14

Date played: September 27th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

I joined a hockey pool with 7 friends this weekend. We went a nice cottage, had lots of drinks, poker and good food, but also some pretty intense and very fun NHL 14 action! We played a few games at 3 vs 3 and a few others with 2 vs 2. It was really cool to play with three people on each team, it adds a lot to the experience.

As usual, I ended up being great at defending the neutral zone and setting up nice plays. I managed to score a few times too, usually with some quick shots from the middle of the other team's zone. NHL games are always perfect for a group of hockey fans!

September 27, 2014


Date played: September 26th and 27th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played lots of Crucible again and did fairly well. I tried out the Salvage mode, a mode that is only available occasionally.  It's a 3 vs 3 game where teams try to control a relic for 30 seconds to score points. I got completely destroyed by clans that worked very well together...

I moved on to Clash and Control and did much better. I'm getting better and better at using my shoulder rush move. The key is to anticipate distance and location of enemies and rushing like a crazed motherfucker. It's a one shot kill, but it's very risky. It works best in Control since it's easy to spot lone enemy guardians by looking at the timer on the capture points.
My Guardian relaxes in the tower after a hard night in the Crucible

I am discovering that enemy vehicles are not as robust as they look. I've taken out several players by shooting at their craft with my trusty pulse rifle!

I've now gathered enough Crucible marks to buy a piece or armor,  but I am far from meeting the reputation requirements. This means that when I hit rank 2, I should be able to buy at least two pieces of exotic gear.

September 25, 2014


Date played: September 24th and 25th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I'm starting to find my groove in the Crucible.

I first completed a few of the Queen's bounties by taking on the Fallen and their Walker tank. I played the level 8 version to makes things go faster and it was quite easy. It was also quite I went back to the Crucible and it's definitely more interesting to me than grinding strikes. At least, human players are always a real challenge while the strikes become predictable, even on higher difficulties.

I played a TON of crucible matches in all modes. Rumble was the only one I hadn't tried yet, but it's just a big free for all. This game feels better in teams... I ended up playing mostly Clash and Control and have been more successful than ever. In fact, I had my first real BIG game with 18 kills and 4 deaths in Clash, the team deathmatch mode.

18-4. Fuck you, bitches.
It's funny, the Halo holy trinity of shooting, grenades and melee is in full force here, with the addition of the super moves. I've started using my super more often as I felt I was just wasting my time waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it. I now use it quickly and it's helped a lot. I've switched to pulse grenades too. These things are a bit less versatile than the flash grenades, but they deal decent damage and can hold down a choke point easily.

I was lucky enough to score a bit of new gear. I first got a nice set of rare gloves which raised me to level 21! I also got a very beautiful red armor color scheme. Finally, I got extremely lucky with my first exotic weapon, Gjallarhorn. This badass looking rocket launcher has lots of amazing upgrades, though I will have to farm the materials for that too...  I'm very excited to try it out and upgrade it!

September 23, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Date played: September 23rd
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

I found all my golden leaves in the castle and brought them back to Richard. I had to fuck around with a few of the rooms to find them. The coolest was an amazing fight against a soldier wielding a ball and chain, all the while surrounded by cracked floor that could fall at anytime. Fortunately, all it took was my trusty sword and shield. Richard rewarded me by granting me access to a secret staircase in his house. This led me to a fun maze made of bushes and grass. I had to chop up everything in sight to find the few spaces that weren't bottomless pits. Eventually, I found the key to the third dungeon by digging around with my shovel at the end of the maze.
Link fights the soldier armed with a ball and chain
The dungeon itself was great. It required me to gather a ton of small keys to navigate it's different areas. This was mostly done by fighting monsters. The most involved fight had me throw bombs into the mouths of armored...creatures. After swallowing a few of those, they died. Another type of enemy could teleport around and shoot dangerous bolts of lightning. They were pretty tricky to kill.

Along the way, I looted the Pegasus boots. These things allow Link to charge through enemies and some obstacles. I discovered that in combination with the Roc's Feather, I am able to jump over long gaps. The boss of the place was a large slimy eye. When struck by Link's sword, it would separate into two sections, then I had to run through it with the boots to split it up in two halves. I could then damage the two slimy eyes until they died, gave me a piece of heart and a new instrument for the Wind Fish.


Date played: September 23rd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Queen is in town and she's got bounties to complete!

This is one of the first real events in Destiny. The Queen has some bounties on the Fallen, a representative selling gear in the tower and a new story mission. To complete some of her bounties, I went back to the Cosmodrome and played one of the earlier missions on hard. I didn't have much trouble and killed dozens of Fallen along the way. I then went back to Venus for another of her bounties, again, targeting the Fallen. The mission was one of the best ones from the story where I assaulted the gigantic ship docked on the beautiful planet. Again, I played on hard at level 20 and had a good time.
The Queen is in town, it's only fitting that I find a throne to honor her!
I decided to get back in the crucible and fight my peers. I am definitely getting better, but holy shit, some people are really fucking good. I'm mostly scoring positive, though I had a few low scoring games. One of my favorite maps is on Mars. It's large, has a some space for vehicles and sniping and has many routes to the objectives. Unfortunately, I didn't improve my gear at all, but I'm getting currency.


Date played: September 22nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

The grind begins...

Having reached level 20, I can now start grinding strikes, patrols, story missions and the Crucible to get better gear and reach higher levels. To do this, I have to find gear that has "Light" in it's stats until I have enough to get to 21. There's a very complicated currency system in Destiny. There are Crucible marks, Vanguard marks, faction specific marks, Motes of Light, Strange Coins, armor components, weapon components, Glimmer and half a dozen collectible items that are all used as currency. It's confusing as fuck, but I think my best bet is to do a balanced mix of PVP and PVE activities.

I played a lot of Crucible matches last night, most of it in the Control playlist. I'm definitely getting better and better. I mostly kill more than I die, so that's a great sign. I've managed to upgrade many of my weapons and armor by completing PVP bounties. I've had lots of success by simply combining liberal use of my blinding grenade and my burst fire pulse rifle.

I also completed a Strike from the playlist and ended up on the Moon against Phogoth, the big chained monster. This time around, it was a lot easier than when I first played it. I think mostly it's just because my team was smarter and more careful. It's a long fight, but we just kept the minions dead and shot at Phogoth when we could.

I also completed some patrol missions on Mars to complete some bounties and gain Vanguard reputation and EXP. I ran into an amazing glitch. While fighting some Phalanx, I was crushed between a wall and the shield bearing monster. I was squished into the air at incredible speed and reached amazing heights, only to fall down to my death. It was pretty awesome!
Best. Glitch. Ever.
To upgrade my pulse rifle, I needed some Helium Filaments, so I went to farm a little bit on the Moon. I'm happy to say that I'm wearing all blue gear! The upgrades don't come often, but they do come. I scored a new sniper rifle in the Crucible. I also have a blue helmet I found during the strike on the Moon. I've made marginal upgrades to a few other pieces too.

September 22, 2014


Date played: September 21st
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finished Destiny's story missions!

While the story itself was VERY disappointing, the battles were really fun. I first completed a mission on Mars where I assaulted a Cabal base, The Buried City. It felt like almost any other mission in the game, but that's not really a bad thing. I opened up the way to a Strike mission by activating a device deep in the city. This is after slaughtering dozens of Cabal of course.

Then I played the last mission. It was very interesting because I had to use a Vex portal to reach their base, The Black Garden, on planet Mercury. The design and environments were different, which was nice. I fought through the Vex until I found a large portal with a weird mechanical blob floating in it. It made three large statues come to life and fight me. I had to be careful here as they hit really hard, but with the help of my sniper rifle and rocket launcher, I took them down. I'm not really sure what happened, but the Speaker was really happy about my actions. There was a nice cut scene where he gave a speech on Tower. I also met with the Stranger that I first met on Venus. She implied that the battle was just starting and gave me the best pulse rifle I've seen in the game yet.

The Stranger and my Titan chat about life, the universe and everything
After the story wrap up, I figured it was a good time to complete the two strikes on Mars. One of them was a battle against three Cabal enemies that had very potent shields and fast movement. It wasn't too bad because they couldn't deal that much damage unless in melee range, but it took coordination to even hit them enough times to take down the shields.

The other strike was a lot more interesting, but also way more difficult. We first had a big fight against a HUGE hover tank in a big outdoor area. This thing hit fucking hard, but thankfully moved fairly slow. I used my hover bike a lot to move around, get ammo and revive my fire team. The tank's hover jets were the weak point, so I mainly took potshots at it with my sniper and pulse rifles. After we took it down, we faced off against one of the toughest bosses yet, a hulking Cabal leader with a minigun, some rockets and a TON of health. We had to retry 3 times... The rockets are devastating and the minions add up if not dealt with quickly, but eventually we got him.

Finally, I played a bit of the Crucible. I tried out the 3 vs 3 playlist. On one hand, it's cool because you can revive teammates, but on the other, I didn't like it as much because it was a bit too quiet at times. I jumped into the mode with three capture points and had way more fun. I wound up with a positive K/D ratio a few times, so that felt nice. I'm starting to get a feel for the PVP combat and the pulse rifle is starting to feel better and better against humans. 

September 21, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Date played: September 20th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

Link's Awakening is a weird game in a lot of ways. Some of it is wonderful, but some of it is really obscure... I played through the second dungeon. I used the town's Chain Chomp to chew through some of the toxic plants in the swamp, which opened the way to the dungeon. The dungeon itself was really cool and introduced switches that raise and lower some blocks. The Roc's feather was still used a lot too to navigate some of the rooms.

I ran into a problem with a room that clearly had a secret, but couldn't figure it out at all. I reluctantly looked up the solution on the internet. It turns out, I had to kill three enemies in a very specific order in that room... There were some sweet cameo appearances from Goombas, Piranha plants and Shy Guys from the Mario series. Anyway, I made it to the boss, a genie in a bottle. This silly dude feels like he doesn't belong in a Zelda game, but it was still a cool fight. I had to avoid his fireballs until he retreated in his bottle. I then used my shiny new power bracelet to lift his bottle and smash it. After three hits, the bottle broke and I fought the boss with my sword. I was rewarded with another heart and another instrument to wake the Song Fish.
Link being awesome, as always
I brought Chain Chomp back to this owner. I went back to the Trendy game to try and get that Yoshi doll. It turns out, I had never tried holding the button that lowers the crane, so when I figured out that I could change the vertical placement of the crane, I quickly got the Yoshi doll. I bought a shovel from the store, as well as some bombs.

I then spent a lot of time going back to areas I had already visited to find new things using my power bracelet, shovel and bombs. I found enough heart pieces for a new heart! I also found a few sea shells, including one I dug out using the shovel. I found a few rupee chests too. The best reward was a ghost who granted me the ability to carry more magic powder. This guy was hiding in a cave beneath a rock. I also traded the Yoshi doll, which led me on an awesome series of deliveries. I gave the Yoshi doll to a mother, who gave me a ribbon. I gave the ribbon to a baby Chain Chomp, who gave me a can of dog food. I gave the can to the collector on the beach, who gave me bananas. I gave the bananas to a crew of monkeys near a castle, who gave me a stick. I don't know who wants a stick yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

I started the next portion of the game which led me to the prairies East of town. Some Richard dude wants me to find some golden leaves in his castle. I found the castle and found two golden leaves, but stopped playing then. 

September 18, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Date played: September 17th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

Somehow, I got into a conversation with some friends about Link's Awakening, the classic portable Zelda game from the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. I've never played it, so my friend pulled out his 3DS and booted it up. I liked what I saw, so I bought it when I got home from work.

Link's Awakening feels like a real Zelda game, even though it's shrunk down to the Game Boy's screen. Link wakes up on the shore of a tropical island, Koholint Island. It seems he was in a ship wreck and has lost his gear. A young girl named Marin rescued him and gave him a place to rest.

Marin rescues Link
According to a mysterious, yet friendly owl, I must wake the Wind Fish if I am to ever leave the island and return home. I explored the island a bit, but of course, much of it is blocked off until I have more items. The village is full of cute characters and even has a few Super Mario references like a Yoshi doll and a chain chomp!

I got my shield and sword and headed to the mysterious forest to find a key to a dungeon. There was a raccoon at one end of the forest that makes it impossible to continue. He says he reacts to "powders", so I tried to find some. There is a witch that says she can make powder with a mushroom, so I figured I had to find that. I destroyed every bush, chopped all the grass, entered every door, talked to every person and still, I wasn't able to find the mushroom.

I tried the fishing mini-game, thinking I might score a mushroom there, but that wasn't it. At least I scored a piece of heart from it. Then I went to the Trendy Game shop, a crane game. I tried getting a pouch on the conveyor belt that looked interesting. The timing on this thing sucks, and it costs rupees to play, so I tried many times before I got the timing right. When I failed, I would reload a save state. Finally, I got the sack and it contained powder! I stuffed it that fucking raccoon's face and got the key. I never did find that mushroom...

Later, I learned from my friend that the mushroom was found in a cave, but that I had to push rocks around. I didn't even know that I could push rocks! Either way, I made my way to the first dungeon. It's very straight forward and very similar to other Zelda games. Fight monsters, open door, find map, compass, key, press switches, etc. I found my first upgrade, the Roc's Feather. It allows Link to jump at will (holy shit!) to navigate puzzles and take shortcuts.

I fought a mini-boss that rolled a large spiked log around by jumping over it at the right time. Then I fought the last boss, a fast moving caterpillar thing. I was rewarded with an extra heart and a one of the 8 instruments required to wake the Wind Fish. For such an old game, it really holds up well today and I'm excited to see the other dungeons.

September 17, 2014


Date played: September 16th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed the second strike on Venus and played a few story missions on Mars. The Venus strike was pretty tough. There are a few rough battles in the beginning where heavily shielded enemies swarmed us a bit, but the real challenge was the boss.

This guy is a powerful, rocket launcher equipped Fallen commander. He has a very strong melee attack as well. He summons Servitors, the healing orb enemies, to keep his health up, as well as tons of regular minions. We got through it by using the level's ample cover and spread out to avoid splash damage from the rockets.

Mars is gorgeous
The Mars story missions were pretty cool too. I investigated a large Vex agglomeration. This was near a battlefield where Vex were fighting Cabal. It turns out there were half a dozen Vex portals in the base. It was well protected, but I'm well equipped, so I took care of those pesky robots.

The other mission I played had me investigate some artifact out in the open fields of Mars. Most of it was just fighting Cabal. At the end, there was a fight against a rocket launching elite, heavily armored dude. My new rocket launcher proved it's effectiveness in this fight.

I'm level 19 now and I think I only have one or two missions left in the story, and maybe two strikes, I still haven't found a pulse rifle that deals enough damage, so I've been sticking to my scout rifle. I also picked up a new sniper rifle. It's not extremely powerful, but is still useful.

September 16, 2014


Date played: September 15th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I had a ton of fun with Destiny again! I started my evening with the Moon strike. In the depths of the Hive's base, we took on Phogoth, a giant beast held by chains in a large arena-like area. This was an epic fucking battle! There were tons of additional enemies around the area and they were quite overwhelming. They spawned for a long time too... The worst were the warlocks as I had nothing to really take down their shields and my sniper rifle just wasn't good enough anymore.  After a solid 20 minutes of intense fighting and avoiding Phogoth's deadly projectiles, we managed to take him down!

I went to complete another strike, this time on Venus. Venus has two strikes and I chose to try Nexus. This turned out to be a battle against a huge Vex floating robot with a rotating shield. This was a more straight forward battle and was a lot easier than Phogoth, even though it was higher level. The robot has a weak spot near it's center and shoots out heavy missiles. It's weak spot is often covered by the shield, so we had to whittle down it's health with potshots, dealing with the occasional fodder enemies.

I continued the story after that. The Queen in the asteroid belt was very surprised to see I had survived the encounter against the gate lord. She was happy to provide me with the coordinates of the Black Garden. I'm kind of lost as to why I need this information, but the shooting, beautiful environments and looting are way more interesting anyway. It turns out, I'm going to Mars to face off against the Cabal. This is a race of very large military types that moves very slowly, but has high health and defense. In fact, many of them carry large shields that cover their entire body except their gun hand.

The mission was simple, I had to reactivate my hover bike connection by hacking into a console, then just reach an outpost to scout the area. I had my first real taste of battle against the Cabal though. Both my sniper rifle and pulse rifles weren't cutting it anymore, their damage was just too low to be viable, so I switched to a powerful single shot scout rifle and a high impact shotgun. I've been looking around to find a replacement to my pulse rifle, but I haven't found one with high impact like my last model yet. The Cabal are hard to fight, but at least they are slow. Grenades and headshots work wonders against them. They do have a smaller, faster enemy, but their health is so low that they haven't cause me any problems yet. Mars is amazingly beautiful as a whole. It's desolate, barren and really conveys a sense of despair.
I'm over there on the right with the red helmet!
After that, I ended my night with some Crucible, competitive multiplayer action. I am a lot more comfortable with the game than I was when I first tried this mode and it now feels a LOT like Halo. That's a good thing! I can see myself playing dozens and dozens of matches of this stuff, it's just plain fun. The shotgun and my powerful melee strikes are deadly at close range, and I can hold my own at range with my scout rifle and grenades. In Clash, the team deathmatch mode, I scored 13-15 in my first game, but in my second I was a respectable 13-9. If I had a pulse rifle, I feel like I would be even better. I think I can be really good at this, but will need some learning time.

September 15, 2014


Date played: September 14th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Today was a patrol day for my guardian. I didn't have much time to play, so I figured it was a good time to complete some scouting. I played a total of 12 missions, 6 on the Moon and 6 on Venus. There's not much for me to add here, as it was mainly just killing enemies and scouting areas, though it was fun exploring the areas and just shooting aliens. I got a chance to put my new Shrike in action and bought a few equipment pieces from the vendors in town. I'm in dire need of a new sniper rifle with high impact damage, but I haven't seen anything decent at the vendors and nothing has dropped that fits my needs.

I'm looking at completing the Strike mission on the Moon next, as it's normally level 12, but I am already level 15. 

Bravely Default

Date played: September 14th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finally got back to this game. It hasn't really hooked me yet, but I wanted something to play in bed, so I booted it back up. I went back to town and reported my findings to the King. He appointed me in charge of rebuilding the destroyed city. This is a bit of a mini game where Streetpassed characters help rebuild different areas. This is really cool as I get to choose where to focus my workers. For example, I removed some rubble, built an armor shop and upgraded the item shop. This is all tied to a real-time timer, and the more workers I assign, the faster it is completed.
This city is very pretty
My partner, the vestal of Wind, decided that the best way to reach the other vestals is to get captured by the air pirates we encountered earlier. I led her to the lake where their airship was parked when she quickly realized that getting captured was an awful idea. I had to fight the white mage lady and the monk dude. This was the first real boss battle. I decided to just default until I was full of action points, then unloaded like a madman, focusing on the healer first of course.

After the battle, I was granted the ability to use the monk and white mage jobs. I turned Tiv into a monk and Agnes into a white mage. There is an option to activate another job's abilities which will give me a lot of flexibility later on. I went back to town, bought new equipment and bought the cure spell. 


Date played: September 14th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 2/10

TxK is a modern version of Tempest, THE classic tunnel shooter. While the game looks great and plays great, it's simply not my kind of game. The lanes are a bit tricky to stay in as it's easy to overshoot. Also, the gun is weird. It fires in bursts which can easily lead to a missed shot. I played only about 15 minutes, but honestly, I wasn't really having any fun.
At least TxK looks great

September 14, 2014


Date played: September 13th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I had an amazing time playing Destiny again! I'm still completely hooked and have played it a LOT. I completed the missions on the Moon, aside from it's strike mission. There were many battles against the Hive in the depths of the caverns, but also many Fallen on the surface. The missions are not super varied, but enemy and environment differences are enough to keep me interested. In fact, the absolutely incredible art design in this game makes every mission a joy to complete, even if it's just to look at the scenery.

I just LOVE Destiny's visual design
During the last mission on the Moon, I got a mysterious message from an unknown being that bigger threats to Earth can be found on Venus. Before going there, I decided to try the Strike on Earth again, having failed miserably the last time. I was matched with two competent players and everyone was a bit higher level than the recommended levels of the Strike itself. It worked out quite well, though the big spider tank gave us trouble still.

My next destination was Venus. Once again, I was presented with amazing visuals. Venus was terraformed heavily, offering lush jungles, sprawling city ruins and a beautiful, yellow sky. There are some Fallen here, but I soon discovered a new enemy. The Vex are robots with a single mind, a bit like the Geth from Mass Effect. Their weak spots are usually near the stomach area, so it took a few minutes to get rid of my "aim for the head" muscle memory.

The story went all crazy here. I found the messenger that contacted me on the Moon, and she sent me to meet the Awoken Queen in the asteroid belt. Awoken are basically human, though I'm not sure what makes them different from regular humans... Anyway, I met the Queen and her brother and she agreed to help me, but only if I brought her a Vex gate lord's head as tribute.

The following missions on Venus were all about finding this gate lord. The coolest mission had me infiltrate a Fallen base, which actually turned out to be a dock for an enormous ship. I had a chance to snipe enemies from a high ledge before storming the ship and facing off with it's captain who turned out to be one tough motherfucker.

My character is now level 14 and has a lot of upgraded gear. I tried using assault rifles and scout rifles, but I feel most at home with the pulse rifles. They remind me a lot of the Battle Rifle from Halo 3, one of my favorite weapons in video games. I'm still rocking a low level sniper rifle, but I haven't found another that deals more damage yet. It's gotten me out of a lot of difficult encounters because of it's very damaging shots. I still love rocket launchers for clusters of enemies. I don't shy away from using my grenades and melee abilities either. Oh, and I bought a new Shrike hover bike. This one is faster, more durable and prettier. It cost me a lot of hard earned glimmer, but it's fucking badass. 

Trials Fusion demo

Date played: September 13th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 5/10
Trials Fusion is very pretty
There isn't much I can say from playing this demo that I didn't say when I played the full game on Xbox 360. The demo had about 4 real levels and 2 tutorial levels. The only thing that is worth noting is how much better this looks on PS4 compared to 360. The colors are better, the framerate is better and everything looks WAY better here. 

September 13, 2014


Date played: September 12th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I attempted my first Strike mission. These are little dungeons that require 3 people and are a bit more involved than story missions. The Strike mission on Earth had us eliminate some Fallen. It all went fairly well for a while, even if we died a couple of times. One of the areas was filled with snipers, stealth enemies, wizards and other tough enemies, while being swarmed by lesser opposition. It took a while for our team to "get it", but eventually we made it through this area. That's when we hit the boss fight.... holy shit yo.

The boss is a gigantic, spider-like mechanical tank. It has extremely high HP and is well protected by tons of enemies as well as it's own deadly cannons. After failing a few times, we figured out that we had to take out most of the smaller enemies, then deal damage to the tanks legs. When enough damage was inflicted, it knelt down and showed a weak spot. I swear, he was a dozens bullets away from dying when we failed again and lost one of our crew. I will try this again soon because it was really fun and challenging.

The temple on the Moon
I then completed one mission on the Moon on my own. I went back into a temple I had discovered earlier and went deeper. I reached an cage of some sort and had to jump in and fight the enemies here. My rocket launcher proved it's usefulness here as I took down a knight and a wizard. There was another device to hack into after that, and another set of enemy waves. I was 1 level higher than most enemies, which helped me survive.

Finally, I played another story mission on the Moon, this time with two people I recruited on the fly in the common area. This was a lot more fun than the solo mission, simply because I had squad mates. We didn't even talk, but having two people to help on the missions makes them so much more fun! We found a special sword used by the Hive and took out it's protectors, 3 elite knights.

The Sims 3

Date played: September 12th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

More Sims 3 at my daughter's request... Our little family is doing well. I managed to get a promotion at my cooking job as my cooking skill is getting better and better. I can also tinker with household items and give them useful upgrades. My girlfriend's avatar is still learning logic skills to earn more money at the police station. My daughter's virtual self is growing up well. She now has a set of blocks that she loves to play with.

It seems she has skills of her own, but they are not visible. For example, she got better at the xylophone and the block game as she played them. I hope this translates into skills when she grows up!

We also invested in a few things. The refrigerator is a crucial appliance in The Sims as it dictates the quality of the food cooked. We bought a top of the line fridge and added a fancy microwave to the mix. 

September 12, 2014


Date played: September 11th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed all of the story missions on Earth in Old Russia. None of my friends were online and I couldn't find a partner in the mission hub, so I did the missions alone. The last mission in Russia had me opening up a large radio array of some kind. Of course, this meant shooting through dozens of Fallen enemies. I didn't quite realize it at the time, but in an earlier mission, I had discovered a Hive nest. This is another race of alien forces. They are a bit more wild than the Fallen and look like insects. They deliver a satisfying explosion of goo when killed!

I then completed my first mission on the moon. It's very pretty up there that's for sure. Unfortunately, it's also filled with Hive. A new vehicle was introduced, an armored and armed hover bike. It's really just a Ghost from Halo, it even fires it's weapon almost the same way! I found a large underground temple which turned out to be the Hive's assault base. They are planning an invasion of Earth it seems. Anyway, I shot a large cluster of enemies then I fought a tough warlock looking dude. He came really close to killing me, but I escaped narrowly.
The temple on the Moon
I have a new rocket launcher that packs a real punch, a bunch of new armor, a new sniper rifle and a new assault rifle. I've been loving the pulse rifle and it's burst shots, but the damage on the assault rifle was too much to pass up. I am now level 8.

I finally tried out the Crucible, the competitive multiplayer mode. I got fucking slaughtered in there. There were people much higher level than me, but it was mostly that I didn't really know what to expect. My burst rifle also didn't really hold up against human opponents as they move a lot quicker than the AI. I did manage a few kills with melee and my sniper rifle, and I captured many objectives, but I should be much better next time. The mode I played was basically Call of Duty's Domination mode. I look forward to playing this some more.

September 11, 2014


Date played: September 10th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I'm hooked. Destiny is incredibly fun!

After a brief visit to the tower to turn in missions and grab bounties, I completed a story mission solo. In the Russian spaceport ruins, I managed to find a vehicle, the Shrike. This is a high speed hover bike that can be summoned almost anywhere. It's extremely fun to use and very practical. It feels a lot like a Ghost from the Halo series, but a bit faster. It's worth nothing that it's engine sound if fucking fabulous.

After I got the Shrike, I sped through the area towards my objective, where I had to scan some items. This led me to an area that the Fallen were converging. I shot my way through the place and found a large area where the Fallen were trying to hack an old computer. I had a big battle here against some tough enemies, including a new floating eye enemy called Servitors. They shield and heal the foot soldiers, so they have to be taken out rather quickly, but they have a good amount of health.

My guardian in The Last City
After the mission, I paired up with a friend who was a few missions behind me. I just tagged along, got some EXP, some gear and had fun with my buddy. He's also a Titan, so we could throw two grenades during tough encounters. I was a bit reckless at times, so I managed to die once during the mission, but thankfully my friend revived me.

I completed 3 scouting missions and a couple of bounties. The scouting missions are interesting as they throw me into an area to find beacons with randomized missions. Most of them are simply "kill this dude", but it's a nice way to just build EXP and loot.

I am now level 5 but real close to 6. I picked up a nice sniper rifle as a secondary weapon that is way more useful than the shotgun I had. The Titan has some pretty good close range attacks, so I didn't use the shotgun much. I replaced most of my gear and even bought a higher level pulse rifle from the store in town. My two level ups granted me a new super attack that hits enemies around my character that is very powerful. I also have a new punch that hits hard but isn't available at all times. Some of the gear I have has stats on it. It's weird how that works because it affects specific abilities. For example, one of the stats improves the cool down time on my grenades. I can't wait to get home and play some more!

The Sims 3

Reading a book together
Date played: September 10th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 6/10

My daughter loves the Sims it seems... She asked me to "play just one day daddy!". Inevitably, this turned into two, then three. I had to shut down the game at her reluctance eventually.

I managed to get a few things done for my Sims though. My virtual guy is getting better and better at cooking, and even bought some new skill books at the bookstore because he had learned everything there is to know in the first book. My virtual daughter is entertained by her new xylophone. My virtual girlfriend is training her logic skill to get a promotion in law enforcement.

September 10, 2014


Date played: September 9th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well fuck, Destiny is awesome.

I really shouldn't be surprised, I mean, I've loved every Bungie game I've played after all. Destiny is basically a weird mix of Halo and Borderlands but with a small MMO town. The shooting is as good as any other shooter out there and isn't as stat driven as other FPS shooters. If you aim for the head, you hit the head, regardless of your stats. The group dynamics feel a lot like Borderlands, with different classes having different abilities that help each other out. Finally, the main hub feels a lot like a real MMO town except it has a small amount of players in it. There is also a competitive mode in there somewhere but I haven't seen it yet.

My character is a female robot, a race known as Exo's. She is a titan class character, which seems to be the "assault" type class. The game begins with a tutorial level. I picked up an assault rifle and a shotgun and shot some aliens in Russia. Soon enough, I found a ship and escaped to The Last City on Earth.

The shooting feels a LOT like Halo, which is a good thing. The graphics looks incredible, though the framerate is stuck at 30 fps... I really wish this was a bit smoother. The art style and music really help set the mood. The interface is very well done and easy to use. The Last City on Earth is where the giant floating orb resides, the Traveler. It's some sort of alien presence that helped humanity terraform and colonize Mars and Venus. It protects us from the Fallen, the enemy aliens. My job as a guardian is to help the Traveler protect Earth.

When I reached town, I explored a bit and found tons of little shops. In true MMO form, I danced with fellow guardians. I then headed out to my first mission. I joined a friend of mine in a three person fire team. So far, it seems parties are limited to three people, though that will be different in competitive modes.

Our little team went out and completed our mission together. Players can revive each other at any time, which was useful more than once. It was nice to flank enemies and use our different class abilities on enemies too. My ability is a nice grenade that hits pretty hard. Eventually, we faced a boss. He was a real fucker with lots of health, but sustained fire helped us take him down.

I really like what I've played so far. The action is really good, everything is pretty and the group dynamics are working. I am now level 3 and have a cool, mid range burst plasma rifle.

September 9, 2014

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Date played: September 8th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played two missions in the campaign. The two missions were very important ones though. In fact, I had to make a difficult choice for the first one. Haven, a Terran colony under assault by the Zerg, needs help. The doctor on board says she can find a cure to the infestation if she has a bit more time to research. To do that, she wanted Raynor to attempt a rescue of the colonists. However, a Protoss representative wanted Raynor to destroy the whole place. He says that there is no way to save these people or to cure infestation. I was more inclined to believe the advanced, rational and intelligent aliens than my emotional crew member, so I sided with the Protoss and chose to destroy Haven.

The mission itself was interesting. The Zerg were spreading their forces across the map in record time. I had to build enough forces to take them down while defending my base and preventing their rapid expansion. I got to use my first air unit, the Viking. It's actually a hybrid that can transform into a ground unit as well. I used a bunch of them to take out aerial Zerg units. The Vikings have relatively low armor, but they pack a punch. When I cleared out the area, I got back on my ship and the doctor had decided to experiment on herself instead of trying to save the now dead colonists. Of course, she turned into a Zerg and Raynor had to take her out. At least the Protoss were happy about it.
Raynor takes out the infested crew member
The other mission had me dig out an artifact protected by some Protoss. To do that, I used a giant mining laser that was left on the planet to dig through. As it dug, I had to defend my base against waves of powerful Protoss enemies. Thankfully, I now had access to siege tanks. These units are insanely powerful, but can also inflict friendly fire, so I have to be careful. I built up huge defenses as the laser did it's work. I fortified with 4 bunkers, 6 missile turrets, 8 siege tanks and dozens of Vikings. I also used a couple of vultures to get some bonus items from the map and lay down some spider mines outside my base. We retrieved the artifact successfully. Back on the ship, I received a visit from a Protoss that seems to be from the future! He gave me a little crystal that stored his memories. In the game, this translates into new missions for the Protoss. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like a really cool idea.

September 8, 2014

The Sims 3

Date played: September 8th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

My daughter loved this game a lot last night, so she asked me to play it again tonight. Her avatar is making good progress. She can now walk on her own and is potty trained. She also has a new teddy bear that she fucking loves playing with.

My daughter plays with her teddy bear as I read up on cooking
My girlfriend's avatar is working a lot and making good money. She even got a promotion! As for myself, I'm learning how to cook and how to tinker with household items as well as repair them. We bought a couple of things to make life easier and to have some much needed fun too. We now have a stereo, a CRT tv and a shower, all of which have proven to be very useful.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Date played: September 7th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through a few missions in Starcraft II. I'm really not a big fan of RTS games, but holy fuck do I love the setting, story, characters, units and buildings in Starcraft. The campaign missions are very varied too, which makes the whole thing more interesting overall. One of the missions I played had me storm a Terran colony that was being invaded by the Zerg. In fact, it was turning buildings and people into Zerg. I had to destroy all the infested buildings in the area. The twist was the day-night cycle. During the day, everything is quiet, perfect for destroying buildings and building units. At night though, hundreds of infected stormed our base, so I had to get my units back to safety and defend against the incoming horde.
The Zerg infected colony

Another level had me try to gain the favors of a mercenary by collecting more minerals than a competing faction. This led to bloodshed while trying to conserve resources. In another, I had to steal Protoss artifacts before they could seal them away. Another had me mine rare minerals in a map that had rising lava. I had to time my SCV's retreat with the molten tide.

My favorite mission during my time with the game had me intercept cargo trains as they ran across the map across three different tracks, all while avoiding patrols and defending my base. It was all very exciting! I have a bunch of new units to play with too including mine lobbing infantry, vulture motorcycles, giant bipedal mechs and little mobile tanks that can fire while moving.

September 7, 2014

The Sims 3

Date played: September 7th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

With all this talk about The Sims 4, it got me and my girlfriend to reinstall The Sims 3 and play a little bit. I made our family, myself, my girlfriend and my daughter (as a toddler) to play a bit. I'm a childish, brave genius who is good with computers. I also love spaghetti. My girlfriend is a friendly heavy sleeper with an artistic side, while my daughter is a good, brave person.

I spent most of my time in the character creator, trying to get us to look similar to our real selves and was fairly successful at that. We bought a small, furnished house and started our digital lives. My girlfriend got a job with the police right away, while I spent a bit of time at home to teach my daughter to talk. I soon got a job as a cook.

My virtual self reads a virtual book to my virtual daughter in my virtual house
The toddler has some cool mechanics. She can't really walk and won't do much on her own. She has a diaper, that needs to be changed when full. She doesn't eat regular food and needs a high chair. She sleeps in a crib, but only goes to sleep when tired instead of deciding to sleep. The parents have lots of cool interactions available with her too, like teaching her to walk, reading books together, snuggling, etc.

Grid Autosport

Date played: September 6th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

I completed another season in the Touring mode. This was filled with exciting battles for position across beautiful circuits. Circuit Mont-Tremblant was one of the more interesting ones because it's very narrow and has a lot of elevation changes. It also helps that it's set in my home province of Quebec! Ravenwest is the top team in this game and they are ALWAYS the hardest to beat. In some of the tracks, I have to get to them before the first turn or I'm going to be chasing them for most of the race. In qualifying, I often place 3rd, right behind the two Ravenwest drivers.

Circuit Mont-Tremblant is a great track
Once I won that season, I tried out Endurance racing. These night races are timed instead of having a set number of laps. There is also tire wear based on how hard turns are taken, tire spinning and going off track. The cars were quite powerful and fun to drive, but I ran into a little problem. I had to stop playing and thought I could just quit out of a race. When I did though, I received a big fucking DNF and scored no points for that event. The game then threw me into the next event. I guess I can't abandon races because of life... I'll probably have to retry the entire season, but we'll see.

Velocity 2X

Date played: September 6th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played through about 5 levels where I acquired a few new tricks and fought my first boss battle!

On foot, I can now fire a rifle while dashing. It only shoots in front of Kai, but it saves a bit of time and hits pretty hard. In my ship, I now have the ability to lob bombs in 4 directions. These are slower, but powerful blasts. Many of the levels I played were designed around having to shoot things behind me or on either side of me. It's a nice mechanic and adds complexity to an already complex game.

My first boss battle!
The last ability I earned is a long range teleport. Pods can be placed in levels at any time and I can choose to warp back to them at will. This means the levels now have branching paths where I must drop a teleport at each branch then warp back to complete the other paths.

The boss battle was cool. A giant ship shot countless projectiles at me while I destroyed it's weapons and shot at it's core. There's a little bit of a story here and it's cute and interesting, but not enough for me to remember the details. 

September 6, 2014

Grid Autosport

Date played: September 5th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through one Touring season. Touring are circuit races with a large number of racers and cars that are all very close in power and performance. Each event has two races. The first race is standard, with the pole position starting at the front of the pack. In the second race, the order is reversed based on the results from the first. This means that in the first race, the best drivers sit near the top while in the second race, they battle through the pack to reach the front.
I skid out a bit at the front of the pack in this Touring event

It's a cool mode that's been very exciting. Contact is frequent, but it's possible to recover from mistakes. I really like that qualifying plays a part. It's like an added time trial event that prepares you well for the race ahead, but also has a direct impact on the difficulty of the race itself. 

September 5, 2014

Velocity 2X

Date played: September 4th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10


Velocity 2X is one of the free games on PS+ this month. I wasn't expecting much, but holy shit, this game is fucking fast! It's also tons of fun! The game is very unique in concept. It's kind of two games in one. Parts of it are a vertical space shooter, while other parts are a 2D action game. The game is full of unique concepts.

Kai Tana is awesome
The ship has a boost, a rapid-fire cannon and a teleporting ability. The boost is basically a button that makes the screen scroll faster. Along the paths, there are survivors to collect (they are just boxes), enemies to shoot and sometimes gates to open. The big twist is that the ship can and must teleport to survive. It's really hard to explain in text, but I can teleport short distances to bypass obstructions and navigate the level.

In the on-foot action levels, the heroine  must collect crystals and reach an exit. She has a dash, a teleport and a 360 degree rapid fire gun. The game has a huge focus on speed. Medals are awarded for each level based on speed, crystals collected, survivors collected and points.

In some of the levels, the action transitions between ship and on-foot on the fly. For example, to disable a laser gate, the heroine must exit the ship, enter a building, find the switch that turns off the laser and get out to continue in her ship. I think that's really cool.

The best thing about the game is simply how it feels. The gameplay is fucking rock solid. Every move is precise, fast and fun. I just love to fly through the levels as fast as I can. The sheer speed of the action makes this game very entertaining.

NES Remix

Date played: September 4th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played NES remix for a bit as I was downloading the new PS + free games. I now have about 135 stars. I played all of the Donkey Kong levels, a few Balloon Fight, Excitebike and Super Mario Bros. I unlocked a bunch of remix levels too. Some of them were really cool. I particularly like Excitebike variations. Some had ice, some had me using turbo the whole time, etc. The Donkey Kong remixes were some of the better ones too. I even had a chance to play as Luigi! However, the Mario Bros levels were shit. I never liked that piece of trash game, and it's not any better remixed.

Mario rescues Pauline
Along the way, I unlocked two new games; The Legend of Zelda and Wrecking Crew. I tried out Zelda and it was charming as hell. One of the tasks was to simply "Take the sword", which I found hilarious. NES Remix is a nice little time waster.

September 2, 2014


Date played: September 2nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

We finished Hohokum!

My daughter and I set out to find the three remaining long movers in the game. The first was hidden in a large forest where masked natives armed with shields and spears were dancing. I had to move among them until they all had the right combination of masks. It summoned a gigantic creature that freed my long mover friend.

The next level was wonderful, but way too short. As the long mover traveled through the area, music was created with every contact with objects. There were strings, swiveling devices, bouncing objects and some wonderfully cute creatures that sang as I swiped them. Unfortunately, there was nothing to really do in this level and the friend was freed without effort.
This was one of the best levels in the game
The last level in the game was one of it's best. Set in a weird ocean where water is confined to spheres, I set about on making a mermaid meet a sailor. To do that, I had to gather rusty fish (!) from some debris and bring enough of it back to the center of the level. This is where a large, two-tentacled octopus (duopus???) fed itself. When it ate enough rusty fish, it turned into an rusty anchor, which freed the way for the mermaid to swim over to the sailor. The best part of this level was the majestic music that moved to the beat of the ocean and it's denizens. I spent more than a few minutes just swooping around the area, as if I was a child in a play area.

I think that really encapsulates what makes Hohokum so fucking great. Sure, it has obscure objectives, a difficult to navigate level hub and no clear instructions, but it's the best playground I've had the pleasure of messing with since Grand Theft Auto 3 first came out. Plus, this one is kid friendly! In fact, my daughter was quite sad when all the long movers danced together one last time before the credits rolled. I'm really happy that games like this are still being made. I loved this one so much, I see myself going back to it just to experience it's joys again. 


Fez is a cool game, but it didn't hold my interest
Date played: September 2nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 6/10

Fez was offered for free on PS+, so I gave it a try. Theoretically, I should love this game. It looks incredible, has cool music and the 2D/3D gameplay mechanic seems interesting. However, I didn't really like it that much. Maybe it's the way the puzzles are made, maybe it's the hard to follow map, I don't know.

Fez is about little white person who discovers a magical fez hat. This allows him to see his 2D world in 3D and navigate it differently than his peers. It's hard to describe this in words, but the mechanic is actually really cool. By moving the perspective around, new ways to reach new areas are made available. I played for maybe an hour and found a few different areas, including a beautiful lighthouse. There are some secrets to discover in this game too. It seems like there might be some sort of alphabet or something. I'm not sure I'll play again though, it never really grabbed me.

Stick it to The Man

Date played: September 2nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished Stick it to The Man!

The last four chapters were pretty cool. I first had to make my way to my house. To do that, I had to impersonate a famous opera singer. As usual, Stick it to The Man is funny as hell, and most of it doesn't make any sense. I found some hair, then stole the diva's lips, then got a stuffed fox to complete the outfit. In the process, I helped a police officer get an idea for a date, fed a seagull a fish and made that seagull throw it up.

When I reached my house, I was captured by The Man. There was a short combat based chapter in Ray's head which was kind boring. I woke up in The Man's base, but easily managed to escape. I explored the area and found tons of funny shit. The best scenario was a sexist military man with two secretaries. One of which is completely in love with him, the other carrying his baby. I solved that one by taking the pregnant woman's belly and sticking it on the dude...

Stick it to The Man was very funny
Finally, the last chapter takes place in a rocket ship where Ray's girlfriend is held captive. Ray was thrown out into space. The little alien that resides in Ray's head had to get out and find some air for Ray. After he got back into the ship, The Man's robotic mother needed some robot ointment. I had to use antennas to put on TV shows that residents like to gather some stickers, and eventually the ointment. There were many combat events in this level and honestly, this whole game couldn't have done without them.

Eventually, we escaped the rocket ship by building a space phone and calling a space cab... Stick it to The Man was a funny game. If it didn't have the combat scenarios, it would have been even better. I'm glad I played it!

September 1, 2014

Grid Autosport

Date played: September 1st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I recently completed Grid 2 and loved it. Grid Autosport, it's sequel, was on sale on Steam so I jumped on the occasion. Right off the bat, the game feels very different from Grid 2. The biggest change is in the handling. There are now assists to turn on or off and they have a huge impact on how the game plays. I started with all assists off, but I soon found that ABS and traction control were my preferred settings. Everything else is off though, so it's still a challenge.

I'm happy to see that two cockpit views were added! While the full view isn't very useful, there is another that is much closer to the wind shield that I love to use. Autosport also marks the return of the bigger EXP yields based on difficulty, assists and AI strength. The game is structured very differently than Grid 2 as well.

There are 5 different categories of racing, each with their own seasons, cups and championships. They are Touring, Endurance, Open-Wheel, Tuner and Street. I started with familiar territory in the Street mode. When starting a season, a team must be chosen. Each team has different cars, challenges and even a different team driver. The street racing had me race around San Francisco in a little Golf.

One of my Tuner races
I then played a Tuner event, which included races, time trials and drift events. The drift events are quite different from the last game, but a lot more fun. Races are a lot cooler now too because there are more cars on the track and the AI is a LOT better. In fact, this could be some of the best AI I've seen in a racing game yet. The racers are aggressive, smart, reckless and ruthless. I've seen multiple AI crashes in the few races I've played. I'm also happy to see qualifying sessions for races. Getting pole position has a huge impact on how the race plays out.

Re-Volt 2

Mobile games generally suck...
Date played: September 1st
Platform: Android
Session fun rating: 4/10

The original Re-Volt is a very nostalgic game for me. I first played it on PC whenever I would visit a friend from high school. Shortly after that, he got a Dreamcast and we played tons of it there as well. RC car racing games have been pretty rare, the only other notable one being RC Pro-Am. As a teenager, I fucking loved these little remote controlled cars, so of course, Re-Volt was interesting to me. It was a pretty good fucking game too. It's certainly no masterpiece, but it was still fun.

I stumbled onto Re-Volt 2 on the Google Play store. While I don't play many games on my phone, because, well, fuck touch screens, I couldn't resist Re-Volt 2. Unfortunately, it seems to be more of a remake with online multiplayer rather than a completely new game. It's also free to play, so it has a lot of weird things to pay for. The game controls well enough, with acceleration being handled completely by the game.

The problem is that the initial cars are fucking slow... I understand that there need to be things to pay for, but this makes me a lot less interested in this game.