March 10, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: March 9th
Platform: PC
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Fucking idiots.  Losers.  Inconsiderate cunts.

I join the LFG tool for a random dungeon, I get an instant invite to Scholomance.  Great!  We group up and the tank seems to be in a bit of a hurry but I don't think anything of it.  We start the first fight down the stairs and the tank (an orc warrior) gets aggro on a shit load of mobs.  I tried to keep him up but I got aggro myself from about 3 mobs so obviously, the tank had taken on too many mobs.  We wipe.

I was a bit surprised.  Why would a tank pull that many mobs anyway?  Surely he knew we wouldn't be able to handle it?  A rogue commented on the odd wipe on the first pull and the warrior said "Too many adds".  Hmmm....  Well let's try this again.

Warrior goes in before being buffed, before having full health, before I had more than 25% mana and even before all members of the group were back inside the instance!  We had managed to kill quite a few mobs even as we wiped so I managed to keep him alive while he grabbed pretty much all the mobs that were left in the room.  While he is tanking and the DPS are killing, the warrior levels up!  "Grats" I type in the chat window.

Seconds later, he leaves the group while he STILL had aggro!  Unbelievable.  That guy joined a group as a tank just to get enough EXP to level and left us there without a tank in the middle of a fight.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of anonymity.  He owes us nothing, he's from a different server, we probably won't even see him again.  Why should he make an effort to be a nice, polite person when there is nothing in it for him?

This is one simple example of how the internet somehow flips a switch in some people's heads that tells them they don't have to be human anymore, they are allowed to be unpleasant, rude, selfish and abusive.  I feel used, like a stripper or something.

Internet anonymity; good or bad?
Anyway, we did get a new tank that was friendly, nice and didn't leave after he got what he wanted.  We killed all bosses and I scored a nice pair of pants that was a pretty big upgrade.  I also reached Exalted with Undercity and bought the fast skeletal horse!  Yay for me!