March 10, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: March 9th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

More daily headshooting.  I actually tried out a completely different weapon loadout today.  For one match on Havana, I decided I would try my hand at sniping.  Now, sniping doesn't work well on all maps and since I'm such a newb at it, I thought I would pick a map with some decent sniper spots to try this out.

I grabbed a PSG1 with variable zoom.  I also sported a nice pair of Python revolvers to protect myself against anyone who would come close.  I was semi-successful.  I did get a few nice shots from across the map on a couple guys but I'm not a very good sniper.  I ended the match at an even 10 kills and 10 deaths.  At least three of those kills were from the pythons though.

One shot kill
Either way, I went back to my regular setup the next match but it was sort of refreshing to try something different.  Next time?  Maybe I'll try an SMG or something.