March 8, 2011

Mafia 2 demo

Date played: March 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

Well, I didn't really feel like playing games tonight but I did manage to play the Mafia 2 demo that had been sitting on my hard drive for a month.  I had pretty low expectations and the game was slightly better than I was expecting but it's nothing amazing.

This should be fun but I died too often.
The graphics are pretty good, the controls are a little stiff and the shooting didn't feel great.  The driving, on the other hand, was lots of fun.  I also died a lot.  The first death came from me shooting a paperboy in the street and getting shot down by cops.  The second was me crashing into a wall at full speed in a fast car.  The next four or five deaths came from the first mission where I got shot by dudes with shotguns.

The game seems like a watered down, 1930's GTA IV.  The thing is, GTA IV was fun.  Mafia 2, not that much. It's not a bad game from the little I saw but I died a bit too much for me to enjoy myself.