March 9, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: March 8th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Well, I finally finished Dead Space 2 and it is easily one of the best games I've ever played.  I was very satisfied with the game overall as it had good atmosphere, fantastic sound, fun combat and beautiful graphics.  I really enjoyed my time with this game but I was a bit disappointed with the last two chapters.  SPOILERS AHEAD!

So Chapter 13 ended with a bang.  There is a scene where Isaac gets into a crazy machine and there is a mini game that involves lasers, needles and eyes.  Needless to say, it was very gruesome and disturbing.

Chapter 14 was not that much fun because it was basically the return of the unkillable monster from Dead Space 1.  The only problem is that you don't get the satisfaction of killing it after a long chase, you just kind of get away from it.  I mostly just ran and used a bunch of health packs.  I also abused stasis when I could.

More amazing art to close these posts out
Then Chapter 15 was basically the end boss fight and the escape from Titan station.  There was a cool quick-time event when Isaac gets to the marker and meets with the military dude that had been harassing him all game involving a javelin gun.  Then came the final boss fight which is essentially Isaac VS Nicole... inside Isaac's brain.

The fight itself was kind of interesting but I didn't have a good weapon for small enemies so I ended up using a lot of ripper blades and using the line gun's timed mine function.  It took me two tries but I eventually won and that was pretty much the end of the game.  The last few minutes of the game is where Ellie comes back (SURPRISE!) and saves Isaac from certain death.  The last playable sequence is short but sweet as Isaac has to reach Ellie's ship in mid-air while avoiding debris.

There is also a nice little tidbit after the (amazingly long) credits where some Unitology brass comments that the Titan station site is destroyed and that the "other sites" would have to do the job.  It seems obvious that we will be getting Dead Space 3 at some point and it's already at the top of my most anticipated games.

Now maybe I'll try multiplayer (not) and maybe I'll buy the DLC (probably later).