March 22, 2011

LittleBigPlanet 2

Date played: March 21st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Still loving LBP 2!  Again, I played with my girlfriend and we had a lot of fun.  We are about halfway through the  third world.  The boss of the second world was really cool and it was the first time we lost all our lives.  Basically, we had to avoid lightning beams, electricity balls and an electrified floor and then throw cake into the giant mechanical spider's mouth.

The third world is set in a factory and most of the levels have us making little sackbots follow us around until the end of the level.  My girlfriend somehow got really attached to them and was telling them to follow us as someone would for a dog or a small child.  This was adorable to say the least.

Awww Sackbots are so cute!
The mechanics behind the sackbots were actually really interesting.  In one level, they would run away from us and so had to kind of heard them into specific areas without having the little guys throw themselves into bottomless pits or fiery holes.  Another level had us carry a giant purple heart and the sackbots would follow the heart which turned out to be kind of tough when we dropped the heart between two electrified pillars.  The last level like this had them simply follow us because they love us.  :-)

We also played a basketball minigame and it was FRANTIC to say the least.  This one seems like it would be amazing with four players after a few drinks.