March 20, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: March 19th and 20th
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

I'm getting dangerously bored of this game again.  I ran one instance that was uneventful (we had a pretty good tank too, that always helps) and then I basically got a bunch of flight paths while trying to get to Thousand Needles to farm Sungrass for Inscription.

The only good part of Thousand Needles.
That was, to say the least, BORING AS FUCK.  I ran around Stonetalon, Southern Barrens, Dustwallow Marsh and Thousand Needles.  Also, with this redesign of the map in Cataclysm, it makes life tougher on guys like me who don't really quest. One example was getting the flight paths in Thousand Needles.

Honestly, I cast Levitate (since the whole zone is flooded) and ran for about 20 minutes to get both flight paths.  Then I farmed herbs for about 30 minutes until I was about to shoot myself out of boredom.

On the positive side, there was a really cool song playing on a giant party boat.