March 24, 2011

LittleBigPlanet 2

Date played: March 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Media Molecule is taking cues from the classics!
My girlfriend and I played about three levels and are now starting world 4 (TRON WORLD! Sorta...).  The boss of world 3 was a giant, mechanical, flaming, rampaging chicken.  We had to run away from it.  It was pretty easy but getting the prize bubbles was very difficult.  We weren't able to get all of them because we messed up the timing of our jumps a bunch of times.  We also played a mini-game that had us controlling little jump pads and had to save some sack bots.  Essentially, it was just like that Earthworm Jim level with the puppies and the giant marshmallow..

Then we started world 4 and we got to ride mounts for the first time.  These included a rabbit, a dog and a very fucking fast hamster.  Awesome.