March 1, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 28th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Well, we finished Kirby's Epic Yarn at a full 100%.  Honestly, it's the first time in a very long time that me and my girlfriend played a game together from start to finish and it was fantastic.  Getting 100% was tough but satisfying and I don't think we would have enjoyed ourselves that much had it not been for the tougher challenge levels.

This image pretty much sums up this great game
The last boss was pretty cool and the last two bonus levels were lots of fun.  There was one challenge level where we had to collect a lot of beads in a top down shooter stage.  That shit was tough.  I hate those little UFO guys.  Also of note, the "Thank you for Playing" screen was amazing!  It's pretty rare nowadays that devs put in an image like that.

Now, on to something else, maybe LittleBigPlanet 2?