March 24, 2011

Alpha Protocol

Date played: March 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Does this image mean I can get laid in this game?  Maybe.
I played one mission and the game mechanics are starting to sink in a bit better.  The mission was to go investigate a weapons cache.  While stealth is definitely an option, I've found that I can get away with going in guns blazing if I have to.  I am also abusing gadgets as much as possible since they are cheap to buy.

I've been exploiting grenades, flash grenades and even EMP charges to bypass the hacking minigames.  I am also using the chain shot ability which allows me to set up a series of headshots with the pistol in slow motion.  The shotgun is my go to weapon when I set off an alarm or a guard sees me.

The mission itself was fairly straight forward.  Infiltrate area, kill guards, gather intel, get the fuck out.  I took advantage of some turrets scattered around one of the areas and they are surprisingly powerful at very long range.  I then escaped by hitching a ride on a helicopter.

I'm enjoying this game a lot, even if it's a little clunky mechanically.