March 17, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: March 14th, 15th and 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I've played lots of Black Ops in the last three days and I was pretty damn hot for most of it.  I've actually been trying out the flashbangs and decoys instead of concussion grenades.

The Office: "What the hell is a mallard?"
I'm still not a fan of flashbangs.  While they are powerful, they are very slow to deploy compared to concussion grenades.  The effect also doesn't really last very long in most cases.  Decoys, on the other hand, I have been more successful with.  Being that I use an LMG, I don't have the mobility of most other players.  Diverting their attention for an instant has proven somewhat effective.  While I miss my concussions, I seemed to get about the same scores when using decoys.  I can easily spam them since I use Scavenger Pro and that seemed to work also.

The only problem with that is sound pollution.  Because the decoys make a gun sound, it makes it slightly more difficult for me to spot opponents by using positional sound.  I'll keep trying them, I might like them better on some maps than others I think, we'll see.