March 13, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: March 12th
Platform: PC
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 3/10

Well, here is another disaster....  The first dungeon I tried was Scholomance.  While it went pretty well, I had to leave after the first boss to go take care of my daughter.

Sloppy tank.
The second dungeon was awful.  It was the third wing of Dire Maul and the tank was an idiot.  The mobs in there hit pretty hard for a level 44 priest to heal so when the tank charges in and gets adds at almost every pull, things get messy.  We even had a mage and a hunter so we could have sheeped and trapped some of the enemies but the tank wouldn't have it.  Even worse, when we had a three mob pull with one melee enemy and two casters, the tank would just stay on the melee guy, leaving the two casters to hit me like a punching bag.  We wiped three times and I left.

The last dungeon was Stratholm Live.  While it went ok, we had a lot of sloppy pulls with adds.  We did manage to finish it though and I got a nice new main hand weapon.